Old Heroic/Mythic Healer/DPS Shaman Looking For New Home - US Bleeding Hollow

Hello everyone,

I am a returning Heroic/Mythic raider looking for a new group of people to have fun and raid with in Shadowlands. I enjoy Raiding/Mythic +, mount collecting, occasional PVP and just hanging about.

My name is Legendarii and I am looking to join a new guild for Shadowlands content on US - Bleeding Hollow hopefully. I am open to server transfers but prefer to stick to Bleeding Hollow where most of my alts are if possible. I started playing WoW in classic and was a casual until Legion dropped. I switched to shaman in TBC and have always made it my main class. I enjoy healing most out of the three classes and have raided as a healer. I enjoy the class lore behind shamans and don’t see myself changing into Shadowlands. I started raiding in Legion and part of a Mythic Team raiding though M Nighthold before the guild disbanded.

After the guild disbanded and going into BFA, a few of us stuck around playing the game while most quit for IRL reasons. We were able to scrounge together a heroic group through Uldir with some of the players from the previous guild but that disbanded after as well. The few of us who still have subscriptions usually do mythic + content but I am looking to get back into raiding.

Resto or DPS Shaman as my main.
I have a ton of other alts on this server that I keep up with the latest content.

Btag: Therz#1849
Discord: Therz#0540

Availability: Available every week day except for Wednesdays 9:00pm –3:00am EST. I can commit to a 2-day a week raiding schedule and I usually join the optional raids for fun if they are available.

Thank you for your time.

Hey Legendarii! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to clear heroic and mythic.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us!
Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Bnet - megaFly#11904
Discord - megaFly06#6053


Crimson Brotherhood is looking for spellcaster DPS to round out our raid team for the rest of BFA and headed in to shadowlands. We’re also active in Mythic+. Check us out.
