So I was in the middle of a pug Ny’alotha run and I started wondering about the different Old Gods. Did the Old Gods communicate with one another? Was there one that was like king of the Old Gods? Or were they like rival clans and their respective armies would attack one another when their paths crossed?
They had brunch on Tuesdays.
Tentacle Tuesdays, they’d have a light meal and touch tentacle tips…that’s how they communicate, don’t judge!
It’s also why we can’t log in.
Old Gods Only. Those cheeky old gods…
They can. They have immense psychic powers and it’s been implied they have some hidden way of talking to each other even when imprisoned.
Y’Shaarj was the most powerful of the Old Gods. Not their king, but just the most unstoppable one. The titans killed him. But the other three waged constant war against him and each other. Chaos and violence is their nature.
They aren’t really friends. When left alone in the old days of the Black Empire they fought each other as rivals endlessly. A never ending war for dominance. But when faced with a common enemy, like the titans and us, they’ll drop it and unite to work together behind the scenes.
C’Thun always gets wasted on mimosas. Lightweight.
Unrelated to your question but I’ve always liked to believe that the Old Gods were the true gods/deities on Azeroth before the Titans arrived to “order” the world. I could be easily proven horribly wrong, but this perspective is more exciting to me.
Preface: Tyr was one of the titanic keepers, charged with guarding the creations of the Titans on Azeroth. He supposedly played a major role in dismantling the Black Empire and sealing the Old Gods deep inside the world. If you haven’t read Dawn of the Aspects, here’s something you may have missed:
Galakrond who once hunted with his fellow proto-dragons and was seen as benevolent suddenly changed and became terror that caused the other proto-dragons in prehistoric Azeroth to fear him. While the proto-dragons did not know what caused the change in Galakrond, Watcher Tyr’s vague wordings implies that he is at fault for Galakrond’s actions and mutations as things did not go according to Tyr’s plan.
What boggles me is that even though Tyr tells the dragon aspects that he ran experiments on Galakrond which led to him eventually sprouting limbs and eyes all over his body, no one bats an eye and they just kill Gally without question. If you look at Galakrond’s hearthstone card, he looks very much like what an Old God might evolve to become.
It may sound like a huge stretch, but given that it was stated last blizzcon that Chronicle was written from the Titans’ perspective, it could be that they lied about the origin of the Old Gods.