Old character models look cooler

The older models look bad. I prefer what we have now. But I would like to see more hair do options, skin tones, more customization’s etc.
I have my hope that just maybe they will in the future that we can have more skin options like Dark Ranger for example. Only time will tell.


Except for the cleft of shadows I would disagree. Old org was still just a canyon with some buildings.

…a lot LESS buildings.




Completely agree. Before each face had its own personality and uniqueness. Now they have just very minor differences. Plus gnomes look like drug addicts now, who thought that was a good idea?

I think you need to lay off the Don Carlos Tequila

Ocarina of Time is still a great game, despite the graphics, which are better than Classic WOW.

The old polygon head squirrel was the bees knees back then.

They don’t make squirrel like the use to.

My Night Elf Male whose head now juts 3 feet in front of his spine would like to agree with the OP.

Also, it isn’t about the model polygon count, it is about the skeletons and animations. YES humans and many others look more detailed and slightly less creepy now(especially the children), but NO things are not ‘better’ now.

I wish they had kept the old model graphic checkbox in the game. Would have made uninstalling this morning less likely.

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The old models were pretty bad.

I think on some races, like Gnome, they improved them 100 percent. They just got way better looking.

I played some of the test. Didnt remember orcs or tauren looking like they did. I guess helms will change things, but i liked the primitive look and we should have both options in live.

Some races, like female undead, actually lost some customization. You can’t make the “skullface” quite the same anymore.

Graphics aren’t everything.

When I have to spend hours running around a landscape that is ugly as hell, it takes its toll. Classic WOW with current graphics would be awesome.

To each their own. It doesn’t bother me, personally. I just hope that WOTLK comes out again someday.

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Same. That was the first expansion I started with.

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I will drown you if you even look at that poor boy the wrong way

Shocking all the dudes playing girl characters don’t like the gritty old models. They prefer to play with Barbie dolls.

The only ones that actually suffered with the model reworks were male night elves anyways, that went from cool looking elves to weird humanoids with disproportionate body parts, forward neck, and complete lack of balance when standing up.

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What? No Donkey Kong or Burger Time?

Something is fishy here.

no, the old models look terribly dated now. It’s downright cringy looking at them. The only issue really I have with the new ones is that some of the detail got ruined in translation. The female forsaken skull face for example got basically completely removed.