Hey everyone. Recently I’ve been reliving some nostalgia from the old days of Bladefist and I was wondering what has come of everyone’s life.
I remember the big names like Audio and Xhale back in the cata/mop days. I remember Wriggly and Poptartcat always up to something.
So many people and so many lives, I wish I kept in touch.
Sorry for the trash post, I was just hoping maybe one of them would see this and reach out.
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I’m none of the above. I played on Bladefist from 2006-2008 under the name Mallak. It was definitely a different time and I’ve become a different person since then, but every now and then I wonder if anyone I knew is still around.
I used to be in the guild “Got Candy Get In Van” until someone reported it and we had to change it. Been up and down throughout the years and it really changed a lot. Now most guilds are hollow and can’t find a raiding time appropriate for my lifestyle.
I played during the glory days of TBC and Wrath. I remember rolling with Sedis, vardron, velroth etc wreaking havoc upon the alliance. Transferred off after Cata and lost contact with all my old mates.
You should all make alts on bladefist/kultiras and come back. Even if its just for a bit. Say hi to the server. There’s been a lot of old players popping back up since DF release. See some of the “founding” guilds names more often than i have in years. Meaning the guilds that were the big ones back when server “fame” was a thing.
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