Mortal Strike damage increased by 20%.
Overpower damage increased by 20%.
Dreadnaught damage increased by 20%.
Cleave damage increased by 10%.
Execute damage increased by 10%.
Slam damage increased by 30%.
Colossus Smash and Warbreaker have new visuals.
Warbreaker’s area of effect is now centered around a point 1 yard in front of the Warrior, to better align with the new visuals.
Rampage damage increased by 20%.
Raging Blow damage increased by 20%.
Crushing Blow damage increased by 20%.
Bloodthirst damage increased by 20%.
Bloodbath instant damage increased by 20%.
Odyn’s Fury damage increased by 15%.
Barbaric Training no longer increases the Rage cost of Revenge.
Execute damage increased by 10%.
Frothing Berserker now has a chance to refund 50% of the Rage spent on Revenge (was 25%).
Fixed an issue that was causing Bloodsurge to trigger less frequently than intended.
Liberation of Undermine set bonus – Luck of the Draw! duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Liberation of Undermine set bonus – Shield Charge cooldown reduction increased to 12 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Liberation of Undermine set bonus – Fixed an issue causing Luck of the Draw! to incorrectly modify Shield Slam’s critical strike chance.
Big buffs, let’s go. I hope the Warbreaker animation looks visceral.