Okay, that was weird

I am running with this character thru Firelands for embers and she turned into an upright male troll with dark skin and plate armor for about 10 seconds after a big molten stone guy fell on her.

Anyone else experiencing weird glitches like that?

Blizzard was subtly telling you you’re playing the wrong faction.


The Spark of Zandalar trinket you have equipped might have something to do with it.


Yeah, I had one once that would occasionally turn me into an ogre. I forget what it was, though.

OMG, you’re right!

Guess I should have read that more closely.

I guess that fact that it has happened twice now after a huge dude falls on me is just coincidence (second time was the Lord something boss).

Thank you for the info.

:chocolate_bar: for you!


I’m just picturing this nice innocent mage girl in the study, working on a potion or reading a book, and boom. Out of nowhere, were-troll!

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Trinket maybe?
I had one turning me into some anime crap.
I took the ilvl hit and tossed it, lol

Good guess.

From above:

Thanks anyway!