Okay Blizzard it’s time to stop listening to us, thank you!

That was accurate for 1.12.

6 stages is not Vanilla, nor is 4 stages. (Hint: there were 12).

That’s fine. To reword it: They have not changed their mind about any actual Vanilla feature not being at 1.12. Only changes from outside Vanilla have changed based on feedback.

And it wasn’t in classic and they listened and put it in

And they changed it to be closer to vanilla. And spread out content as it was.
You really have no idea what I’m saying do you sweetheart

Loot tables changed
It was going to be 1.12 loot tables at the start then they changed it. Same with dire maul at release.

You do understand my whole argument isn’t based solely around changes during vanilla. Right junior?

Loot progression is “more vanilla”.

You do realise I keep repeating that I agree they’re listening to stuff outside of Vanilla, old timer?

And during too. Such as content distribution. Check mate

That’s Classic not Vanilla. Vanilla had 12 phases. It’s a “Something specific to how we’re doing Classic” not “something to replicate what the values were at 1.12”.

They updated the phases to closer replicate vanilla. So yes this was during vanilla. It’s ok to be wrong sometimes honey bear

Also the gear progression. They had it with 1.12 loot tables at the start. Then they changed it to 1.1 loot tables.

That was during vanilla sweetheart

sigh You just don’t get the separation. I get it. Advanced age, lowered faculties etc.

I know there is no separation though. You said they never made any changes to classic that would have been a change from the original 1.1>1.12 based on feedback. And you’re wrong. They started with 1.12 loot tables but transitioned it to be 1.1 and then gradually move to 1.12.

You’re just wrong honey

The Classic Content Patch system didn’t exist in Vanilla. They made it “more Vanilla” but it still didn’t exist.

Also, the only change they made based on feedback was 4 CPs moved to 6CPs.

Condescending claims to authority just make you condescending. Not right.

Why are you ignoring the progressive loot tables? This is something they 100% changed because of us.

They originally planned on having 1.12 loot tables. This was in vanilla. This had nothing to do with the content cycle. They heard us talking about how broken it was and decided to start with 1.1 loot tables which was in vanilla.

This is literally NO different than if they decided to start with 1.5 av during the release of av and then changing it to the 1.11 version later on.









The loot tables will be “pre 1.10”, not 1.1. There are only two drop table phases. Item release is just part of the Content Patch system. The pre-1.10 loot tables are because they found enough of an existing backup taken before 1.10 to do a consistent drop rate update.

They don’t have the data for anything else, but since they do have the data for a pre 1.10 drop table, they’re doing it.

Your examples are getting thinner and thinner but just as easy to knock down.

Wait so if you acknowledge that they don’t have data for anything else to change to an earlier version then why in the hell did you even bring it up?

You- “they haven’t listened to a thing we suggested that was a change during vanilla”

Also you- “they have data for nothing else so that’s why they made this one change”

Bud… you’re too easy. Way too easy.

… you did?

Man you’re so wrapped up in your ‘superior argument’ you’re arguing against your own statements.

This isn’t why they’re doing pre-1.10 drop rates. They’re doing it because they have the data for it.

Ok let me throw that back at you. What makes you think they aren’t listening to us about av versions?

And oh I’m the one who brought it up? Let’s see here.

Huh that’s weird it seems you were the one who did.

You’re scrambling now and I love it

That statement is still correct. All your attempts to prove otherwise have failed. Your claim about them listening to us on drop rates is something you brought up, and is still wrong.

Blizzard has only listened to us on things that are not directly Vanilla choices.

I literally proved it wrong. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean I didn’t.

You’re literally being dumb on two threads now. Quick quote me on another one this is fun proving idiots wrong!

You “literally” didn’t. All you did is claim you’re right without actually providing any proof besides “because something unrelated to feedback happened.”

Keep going, it gives me something to do while waiting in Blizzcon queue.

Loot tables were a true vanilla question.

They answered it and fixed it.

You’re wrong.

Period. End of discussion.

What’s this “progressive loot tables” stuff? They are not doing progressive loot tables.

They are omitting loot that was not present during each of the 6 stages. The gear will be the 1.12 version. Not the “progressive” version based on the patch for the 6 stages.

For the sake of stopping pointless argument with you, because its clear you’re so convinced of your own self-righteousness and infallibility, while failing to understand the basic difference between what is Vanilla and what is Classic, I’m going to stop arguing. Not a concession, just… watching the AXS promo video is more interesting than repeating myself ad nauseum.