Ok, you win. I throw in the towel

I’m an average to below average player when it comes to PvP. I lack experience, latent skill, and I am older now than I was when I last seriously PvPed - in TBC/wrath/cata era. I am a mostly PvE player now for past 4-5 expansions, having quit the game entirely from MOP to mid legion.

I wanted some vicious saddles so figured BGB or SS would be a good way to get some since my running crew of the past is gone. I work up the nerve, gear up my resto shaman main with bloody token and 639 pvp crafted gear, along with 636 crafted weapons that had versatility on them already. PVP ilvl 637 or so and get to queuing.

In BGB - MMR tuning had me blast through 5 games, put me at 2400 MMR with teams I am not qualified to be playing on, then went on a 9 game losing streak. Queue times seem random between 5 min or up to 20 mins as healer. Can join games and get a “GG we lose, no mistweaver” on entering. Get blamed for being the wrong class. I don’t even know if MW is even that good but I wouldn’t think random member BGs it would matter that much to give up instantly.

In SS - I remember arena attracting certain types of people but holy crap does this bring back memories. The spewing towards either me or the other healer (when teams would shuffle and the rager was still going off on the other guy) was really something. I won two games to start off (6 of 6 rounds) and the game dumped me into the 2200 bracket for some reason. I didn’t even follow along what was going on. I shouldn’t be in that bracket. A random 2 win streak doesn’t mean I am some uber smurf account.

In both, I get the brunt of the in-game attacks and the verbal attacks. My screen is a mess of spell effects all over me, addons going off for visual cues (because I am told I needed these addons to even have a remote chance in hell at winning). I feel like I am fighting the UI of this game more than other players. My mouse and keyboard are essentially slapped out of my hands for seconds at a time waiting for CC to end.

This isn’t worth it. I am not having fun.

I need time in games to experience the modes to learn, improve, and contribute more but I don’t feel like getting blasted verbally by pissants in what is supposed to be a fun game. I’d take criticism of “Your positioning is bad. You should stand by X instead of Y. Follow my attacks, and CC the other”. Instead you get hit with a “ur garbage, KYS”

All this for meager progress on a current season mount I don’t even like and have to get through before I can get a saddle.

I have no suggestions on what to improve. Not asking for changes. I am just venting due to feeling like crap in what is supposed to be entertainment. I’ve a headache and nothing fun to show for it.

To quote JC, “Why should I make myself mad in my own home?”

PS - enjoy your 45 minute SS queue times, pissant ragers. Sorry to those that don’t rage.


when you lose enough you will find yourself in the bracket you belong in.

in the meantime the result of big mmr gains is that you won’t be pitted against glad alts because they won’t be in that bracket.

if you want more experience then play the game and stop crying about losses that are ultimately putting you in a bracket where you can win.

if you can’t handle some window lickers abusing you turn off chat, and go next, pretty easy.


Listen man if we all listened to the angry basement dwellers in these games none of us would play and learn.


I was with you until you started using buzz words towards the end.


Your sig was yummy :yum:


Ay bro this is not the airport, you don’t have to announce your departure.


The 20-29 bracket of Classic will never be the same without you. :frowning:


Don’t give up. Just keep queuing, playing, and you’ll get there! Start using the REPORT PLAYER function if someone is giving you inappropriate crap in chat. Click their name, report window opens, click inappropriate communication, text and submit! Sooner or later, those people will learn to stop with the BS.

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If all you need is vicious saddles, you can turn off the battleground chat in settings and block all whispers. Then the world is peaceful again.

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Shouldn’t have to :man_shrugging:t2:

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What is there to learn? In blitz the only changes are that there are timers on the flags and that the bases change location in Eye of the Storm when the flag is weathered.
It’s not like it was a Mythic raid mechanic.

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Utterly useless response.

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Factual and concise

Toddler-level emotional maturity in evidence.

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Listen. I can get you to whatever rating you desire very easily if it is between the range of 1100 - 2000. Outside of that I can’t help you. The reason being is that unless you’ve been like 2.2k or higher before, there’s no way I can hold that on my back. Add me and I’ll get you to where you feel you belong. That’s a guarantee. Actually post your battletag here and do not quit the game. I will await your reply.

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What was wrong with the post?

He can’t say but he just “feels” he disagrees with it. Logic is lost with a lot of players these days bud


Okay, you throw in the towel. I win.

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