Ok, what the heck? Removed from group and deserter debuff?

You were kicked because voting system takes 1 person to kick, two to vote.

You obviously did something wrong to make the other two people upset

You’re not a victim

Believe what you want but I honestly didn’t know being kicked gave a deserter debuff. I thought the debuff was only if you, you know, deserted. I don’t do group content much and when I do I don’t go AFK or spam or even talk more than a hello. I don’t pull before the tank or suck enormously, I don’t have an obnoxious or insulting name (alt is a paladin named Glory). So I just don’t get kicked.

Since I was doing just as much work and my fair share of damage I have to assume it was either some dingdong power leveling himself with an alt account and didn’t want anyone else in the group (for some reason?). Or they kicked me because my character isn’t 70 yet (currently 67). Or, just occurred to me, could even be due to the alt being a black human woman (and I know some people are going to go nuts over me even mentioning that, but I had to have been kicked for some reason and sadly that is a possibility).

Anyway, being kicked shouldn’t give the same debuff as abandoning a group. That’s just dumb.

Anyway, back to it.

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Are you sure?

Since 2019 you knew what the deserter buff does


All three are times I left the group myself. Try again?

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Zumakind out for blood :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Do you not read what you post??

I re-captured a mine and then stood in a corner while I, you know, took care of stuff. Came back and deserter debuff.

How do you leave a group when you went afk in a corner???


Cat must have gotten on the keyboard

Dude, when you go AFK in a battleground you get kicked out by the game. It’s the same as quitting the group. I knew if I was gone too long I’d go AFK and get automatically booted and I was gone too long.


Welcome to the Occulus, the tank and healer are AFK and will not participate until they are vote kicked. They won’t leave, or they get debuffed, so you are waiting 2-3 minutes to kick, then hope the replacement desn’t do the same.


Yes. Because the group decided they didn’t want you there for whatever reason they decided.

Yes you can. You just can’t join a queue.

Yes… Because people vote you AFK, which gave you a timer debuff to do something or get kicked

Again, you know what vote to kick does

You are making threads for questions you already know


You could just apologize instead of doubling down on your attacks on me after your ‘detective work’ didn’t show what you thought it showed. But whatevs.


Jeff probst… Little Timmy?

Gotta love all of the forum Sherlocks around here.

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I personally think the debuff should be an hour if you’re kicked

Clearly did something wrong

Yeah, the whole “You know you get the debuff for being kicked because look at these posts where you got the debuff for willingly leaving the group. Now let me harass you about it” is kinda something.

Anyway, I’m out. Knock yourselves out.

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It does not require a vote. While it can be the result of a vote to expedite the process, it is not required.

If you stand idle long enough for the automatic afk to kick in, it automatically drops you from the BG.


The most surprising thing in this thread is that Peppermint reached max level.


Specifically, it’s been that way for 14 years. More than half of the life of the game.

It was the only solution to an ongoing issue: tanks and healers holding dungeon groups hostage when they got a dungeon they didn’t want.

You get the deserter debuff for leaving for ANY reason (being kicked or not).