Ok underperforming specs who plays you for fun?

Only because your capability of text understanding is not educated, doesn’t mean there is no meaning behind the words.

To make it very easy to understand: It’s impossible to generate a meta, where every 3 frost mage specs are on the same level. Therefore all 3 specs are to different and there will always be one spec doing better than the others!

No you just didn’t say anything.0

Yeah dude, troll yourself. Your teacher oversimplified your education as it seems!

Enjoy my silence towards you.

You really do talk too much for how pointless what you say is. You don’t really have an understanding that damage isn’t everything, and you just keep announcing that you have nothing important to say in too many words.

A niche.

Why Fury does less damage than Arms while it has less utility? For example.

Same idea for Mages specs. Fire currently has everything while it should be the glass canon spec while Arcane has the mobility and on-demand burst and Frost has the survivability and control.

Outlaw actually works ok (Tosan playing it at 2700 rn). Rogue players just don’t enjoy anything outside of RMP so don’t bother to even try it.

MWs just need buttons that actually do something when they press them.

Surv just need to be able to keep its pet alive.

Demo/BM are hopeless. This game’s engine just doesn’t do pet control very well so buffing these in a way that doesn’t turn them into massively toxic annoyances seem close to impossible.

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Fury’s damage isn’t the problem, IMO. It’s the lack of a good defensive like DBTS. Mitigation defensives are kind of weak against massive burst.

Survival needs more than that. It doesn’t have the burst to make people play defensive.

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Make my dots hurt instead of tickle.

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My BFA main was SV. Even before the rez change and pet nerf the pets died due to cleave damage.

The 20% will help, but it won’t change getting trucked while your pet is dead trying desperately to rez it.

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keep them out

make pet not die and if pet dies make the rez not 6 second casttime or w/e

keep it out

arcane is fine

unsure, maybe buff frost bolt damage? i think in general they just lack damage compared to the amount of time it takes to generate the damage

keep it out


i think rickblack made a good post about mw and what he’d do to put it in a better spot


strangely agree with all of these quote statements

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I would like to believe that some of those specs have a place. Is BM and assassination toxic?

If they change BM from ‘cast bestial wrath every minute and win’ and assass from ‘pure passive sustain and cast mutulate’ then sure but when the specs have their time in the sun they can be pretty ugh to both play and play against

Nope, prot can stay dead imo.

nobody likes prot except that cheesegerbil who shouldn’t be named

I thought prot would be ok because it does not have real self healing, sadly I’m probably mistaken I just miss playing prot in wrath with armor pen and crit.

Tanks in general need a huge rework if they’re to work in PvP.

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we need DS to be a decent sustain again

Well that and frost needs an execute. Soul reaper would be good enough.

Getting a target low and having a non KM obliterate hitting for 600dmg is just awful design lol

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I think a big problem with mw is it just takes like 3 seconds to actually start healing (strictly with hardcasts) in the best case free cast scenario, and even when you get the setup the healing doesn’t even really feel amazing, it basically feels like the inverse of holy paladin, high risk low reward

on top of the obvious insane squishiness and lack of any external CDs and having to stand in comparison to the insanely overturned hpals, I honestly don’t even know where to start with MW… you could honestly make enveloping mist undispellable, last 100% longer and reduce all damage taken by 50% baseline, make cocoon a divine shield that’s usable while stunned and make fort brew a permanent buff on the monk and mw still wouldn’t be as good as hpal probably