Affliction locks, feral druids and devastation evokers are too good.
Please reign them in immediately.
Affliction locks, feral druids and devastation evokers are too good.
Please reign them in immediately.
I’ve noticed games end quick if the lock is good a faking kicks. I hate precog
one of these is not like the others
Feral probably needs some nerfs. I’m just worried if they go, casters just get even stronger.
Affliction isn’t a problem. Newer healers that don’t have experience healing against dot classes will struggle to keep players alive, but anyone over 1800 probably has enough experience to figure it out.
Why is Devastation Evoker in the nerf conversation? They do a lot of damage, but that’s about their entire kit. They are one dimensional and not versatile at all.
Wouldn’t mind a dev dam nerf (our dam IS pretty insane) if it meant buffs in other areas. It’s just kinda the only thing we have going for us right now in this caster meta.