lying? go check wowlogs and see the top warrior parses for yourself
“top warrior” the guy who magically got most his gear in 2 lockout. You’re a funny poster. Are you also the kind that approach guilds saying “I actually cleared naxx 40 back in the days. Trust me bro.”
when did i stipulate gear? i literally said “arms is cracking 200”
move the goalposts all you want. it just makes you look silly
Knew it, speechless guy, not able to give any potent reply. Moving on.
move on to taking a long walk off a short cliff please
Salty tears are tasty. Bye
“i’m moving on”
comes right back
I couldn’t care less what warriors are pulling off right now. They could be pulling naxx numbers for all I care. Ret pallies are performing just fine in any relevant content in SoD. Feel free to keep stroking it to some other guys parses though.
I accept your concession
lmao, I love that one. I’ll have to burrow that quote.
welcome back! i knew you couldn’t stay away
Anyone who calls era naxx “40 man naxx” is someone to avoid.
Obviously, that’s an instant deny when those people try postulate.
Hey Blizz, small request, Please make Paladin Blessings last 30min instead of 5. Then Later on, Greater Blessings for an Hour. Please.