The only way to greet a resto druid.
I’m trying not to lose it over this joke but I’m bearly hanging on. I think I might have to leaf.
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ur just mad that vulpera can’t be druids I bet
step in line!
pandaren are next
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I thought the only way to interact with a druid was to swap to hunter and tame them?
I interact with all feral druids by /petting them
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Kindly put your tree away.
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I can only agree
I’ll respond to Bloomer.
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Yasss \o/
Hello Bloomer
Is a bloomer a boomer that was a hippy?
All vulpera, worgen, cat and bear druids get the /boop
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Came here for the Bloomers…
Leaving here disappointed…
I tried to “spring” that joke on my wife, but she didn’t “fall” for it.
Now I’m hearing that Okay song in my head but with Bloomer as the lyric.
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