Oh noes. Here we go

Blizzard not only manages to disappoint in systems, borrowed power, and lack of innovation in end game content etc. Trying to put major focus on raids and story. But they also found a way to disappoint many fans with their story. Personally I don’t hate it, but I am not interested in it anymore. The story kept me playing for much of BFA, I actually sorta liked BFA. But this is just like Saturday morning cartoon levels of predictability and cheese.


I think the huge issue is, well few things.

The BfA Warbringer cinematics were bada**. They really showed these characters and their character development.

  • However, about half way through BfA, all these characters shifted in motives and personalities. This is probably a good indicator of having internal conflict at Blizzard.

They are probably in disagreement with where the story should go and have shown a extreme lack of good leadership. Spend 6 months arguing, running out of time with game development and just have to go with “something.”

Blizzard needs to fix their leadership conflicts internally.

The story of WoW is in books, comics, youtube videos and cinematics, while also being in Game.

  • They are spreading the WoW Lore across too many different means of media. And it’s not “setting up” the plot for 5 years in the future. We have books that are going along side the storyline or prequels that come out halfway through an expansion. (Slyvanas’ book)

They need to do one of two things to solve this, either make WC4, setting up the next 6 years of the WoW lore, or start writing books to tell the next 6 years of WoW lore and simply have the video games follow that.

“The Jailer” was set up in a terrible, terrible way.

  • We are about to be half way through the expansion, and we know almost nothing about him. Where he’s from, what he wants, why he’s doing the things he’s doing etc.

There is no connection to the “man” behind the “villain.”

You know Arthas is the Lich King. You know Illidan is the Betrayer, you know Deathwing is the Destroyer, etc…

(Arthas came before the Lich King, Illidan before the Betrayer, etc)

You ask 90% of the WoW population, and they probably don’t even know The Jailer’s real name…

Zovaal was not set up nor introduced as Zovaal, he was already the Jailer, without explaining why he was “the Jailer.” Because of this, his character has no arc, it’s very flat and straightforward. You could literally call him Bad Guy and it would make almost no difference.


Well thought out response and totally on point with my feelings. Especially with Zovaal, you would think by 9.1 there would be some questions being answered instead of more questions. I am sure more will be revealed when the Primus gets an arc, but the way patches and content are rolling out it will be a while lol.

As was admitted some time ago by the dev team

Another thing that’s true of Blizzard is that while a single author or team of authors often drives the overall vision for a story, no one person owns or controls the final product. It’s a highly collaborative process that brings together a talented, diverse group of people across different disciplines who are all passionate about creating polished, high-quality experiences and delivering for our players.

So, yeah.

gl hf

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and Afrasiabi foreshadowed in every pre-Shadowlands interview that Baine was going to see Cairne

and he’s gone

and there’s no Cairne lol


Faction War aside, the opening of BFA was really engaging if only because we were finally going to the long fabled lands of Zandalar and Kul Tiras and yay, they were really fun to explore and quest in.

Shadowlands and everything in it is just something they pulled out of their @$$ and messy supporting retcons to make it seem more important than it really is.