Oh neat, Brann can gain a mini Bloodlust in S2

Along with some other cool goodies

Non-lust class rejoice? :sweat_smile:

More healing pots??? :smiling_imp:

Bro already made me unkillable lmao.

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Inb4 6 potions.

Still an AoE silence will be SOOO good in T11s

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I really wish theyā€™d just say how much.
50%? 90%?
2 seconds? 3 seconds?


I mean whatā€™s the point? Between all the buffs he has now and the potions, consumables off the AH, etc. weā€™re pretty much unkillable. It just feels like mobs hit hard BECAUSE Brann vomits out potions and abilities that immediately heal the damage I just took. I think I died only once in a Delve, and it was on that rotting mushroom throwing boss and it was only because I got so bored I literally zoned out and had a mushroom spawn on me.

Gunna help so many specs for real.

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Yea that type of description annoys me lol, even Fire Mage has something like that with hyperthermia. No percent, just ā€œhas a chanceā€ ā€¦

Disc/Holy Priest rejoicing.


Iā€™m more curious about how good will his ā€œTankā€ role actually be?

Will he tank something like Zek ?? like a big boy and not die on me? lol

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Do you have to relevel him

Yeah this is interesting because it removes a ton of challenge from delves if he can eat most autos.


One shot autos is bad game design.

Trust me lol i whined about the white damage in delves a loooot on tww launch.

I feel like ppl who donā€™t play healer specs in delves are gonna find out the hard way tank Brann wasnā€™t made to accommodate the DPS but instead the healer.

Yes, his level cap is 80 now instead 60. So if your Brann was currently 60 you can continue from that point leveling him in S2.

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Yeah im going to assume heā€™ll have very little sustain.

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just bring drums

I donā€™t know about that.

because if the role is intended for healers the expectation would then be that Brann not only is tanking but also doing really high dps. Sure he might be super squishy then, but I just donā€™t see them designing it in a way that Brann would solo the place if you just heal him.

From Blizzard themselves:

Now some specs that can sustain themselves will likely try tank Brann and succeed but ultimately he was made for healers since DPS Brann canā€™t hold aggro.

Fwiw, doing DPS as a healer isnā€™t terrible, they can definitely clear trash when played correct. Archon Holy Priest is an AoE powerhouse for example.