Oh I wish this would happen here in WoW forums

Heard someone on Overwatch forums got rekt by Jeff, so hard that it’s being talked like crazy

Oh I wish the blues could be like this to people here on Sundays

I actually wish our own devs could talk to us in general discussion like this


Imagine having developers active on your game’s forums


Yeah me too, I wish all developers were engaged like this to us WoW players

Imagine having devs that read the forum at all.


This is not the first time I am seeing it . I saw it once in Wildstar forums as well :slight_smile:

But its great that they actually expose these guys openly. I believe the privacy policy is stopping them from doing these stunts regularly

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I’d feel bad for any Dev that has to read these forums.

But it’s also possible that dev presence would make them more positive.

I wish Kaplan was more like he used to be in his EQ days.

Here’s a rant he posted: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DdHFHP8XkAETkqD.jpg
(Naughty language but its directly quoting a Blizz dev so I feel like it should be fine)


There definitely have been some snarky blue posts on the WoW forums throughout the years.

That’s pretty awesome though, not sure I’ve quite seen something that blunt on WoW forums.

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I follow / post on the Overwatch forums as well, and I gotta say I love Jeff’s interactions with the community. It does make me wish we had someone here talk to us more often.

There isn’t an individual developer on the WoW team who has enough faith from the community to make a comment like that about an individual player’s account and be taken 100% seriously.

If someone came in here and said, “I was banned for cheating but I didn’t cheat!” and Ion replied in the way Kaplan did there, there wouldn’t be this sudden erasure of belief in the guy claiming he was falsely banned.

Ion doesn’t have that trust. Probably never has.

HotS devs used to be active even on reddit lol.

Idk if I want Ion in here pretending to be human.

Can that guy even get past a Captcha?

If Zuckerberg can pull it off, Ion surely can.

He’s gotta be at least a few robotification steps behind the Zucc.

The League of Legends devs used to do stuff similar to this, not sure if they still do.

Some guy would come onto the forums crying up a storm about how his account got permabanned “FOR NO REASON!!!11!”. He’d get a thousand responses full of sympathy to his sob story.

And then the hammer would drop. A Riot employee would come into the thread and post the receipts. Complete chatlogs of the last several games that the OP played in which earned him the ban. Usually filled to the brim with all kinds of vile hate and extreme racism, with the kind of language and flaming you just cant find in any other community.

It was glorious watching those trainwreck threads. The OP would always do one of two things: Vanish without a trace, or attempt to argue that he didnt MEAN to tell someone to take a bath with a toaster, it was ‘Just a joke bro, I mean come on I only told himself to kill himself six times, its not a big deal’.

These sorts of dev responses are always popcorn-worthy.

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Brother, you should lurk the Customer Service and Tech Support forums like I do. Two reasons:

  1. I like to help out, when I can; and
  2. The blues do, indeed, bring the smack down on occasion, exposing complete lies posted by people (“I was banned for nothing!”), and it’s incredibly interesting to read.

Take a wander in there and read some of the hilarity. Look specifically for locked threads, with many replies. Good times.

One of my recent favorites was the player who threw a fit because their WoW token didn’t work, breaking CoC left and right as they ranted, only to have a blue reply and tell them it was in one of their bags.

I made that vague on purpose, I won’t link to specific cases, but they’re all there.

For an enjoyable time, pop into the Customer Support forum and search for ‘Banned’ – many such threads will be fun to read.

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They use to in the past here. Ythisens known to call people out on this stuff often. There was one person on the Arena forums going off about how they were wrongfully banned and Ythisens shut him down just like Jeff did in the Overwatch thread.

Notices the Orange glow around Jeff Kap’s name. :open_mouth:

So the forums are following the loot colors! :smiley:

White = Regular Players :ballot_box_with_check:
Green = MVP :ballot_box_with_check:
Blue = Community Manager :ballot_box_with_check:
Orange = Dev :ballot_box_with_check:

But who’s Purple then? Are purple just devs but not the lead devs like jeff? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I wouldn’t praise them that much. The current state of Overwatch makes even BfA look good.

Every once in a while they will knock someone down a few pegs on the Reddit forums.