Oh How the Player Base Has De-Evolved

First it was 40 Man Raids were to much for guilds to be able to put together.
Now people are complaining that 20 mans are killing their guilds and they need to have 10 man raiding instead of 40 man raiding.

Theres a lot of people also that complain about the difficulty of these raids; then others stating that “dads” can’t do these raids.

Well, if dads didnt forge ahead in the original WoW and provide all that date for you to put together to create the best version of your vanilla characters in 2019, you would definitely fallen off early. The game “isnt” hard now, it was hard back when it came out. Like all things have its diffuclty when it first comes out.

I mean the retail player base de-evolved so badly that they had Add-ons and WAs that told them where to stand, and what to cast while standing there.

We have de-evolved as gamers in WoW from players that welcomed a challenge to people that want addons to play the game for us.

This is coming from someone that played some of the hardest MMOs back in the early days of gaming. I was one of a extremely lower % of Final Fantasy 11 players that could monk tank absolute virtue. A boss fight thats literally stronger than any other thing that WoW has ever created in its existence.

I watch players get eaten by oozes, cant dps the side of the walls. I watch a perfectly normal shade of erakinus fight with a wall to reach defeating it… get absolutely demolished into regular trash dungeon pulls. I still don’t understand why you can’t press your buttons to get out of corrupted blood…

Can we please get hard modes in SoD? How about a Rag + Ony + Nef encounter at once for the best quality gear.


Which is a meme. Just did the raid last night with a guy only doing auto-shoot.

game isn’t hard, got glad with a steering wheel in bc and by god I’m going to use this steering wheel till the end of sod, I’m crashing this car, we are going off the cliff. Hang on kids!

I think you just wanted to brag about something two decades old.

I agree there should be hard mode raids for people who want it.

I disagree that current raid mechanics are on par or easier than the mechanics in vanilla MC… which should have been the target for level-up raiding (scaled to the raid size, of course).

Instead, we got overblown mechanics, which I frequently call “retail”, but maybe they’re closer to BWL/AQ40? I really don’t know, because almost nobody I knew was getting into BWL/AQ40 back in 2005 (2006?), because it was too damn hard. I do remember BWL killed my MC raiding guild, and those of us that remained just ran ZG/AQ20 until TBC came out.

Is that why you hide?