Ogres finally when?

OGRES! OGRES! OGRES! Give us the big boys! :japanese_ogre:

If they try to monkeys paw us by giving Mokā€™nathal as our ogre optionā€¦ well I just hope they lean more into their ogre side than their orc side. Give them horns, one eye/two eye options, ect.

Most importantly: Two Heads.

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Good news is that any race they add to the game now is an addition for every player, instead of saying ā€œonly the Horde gets this rance, and only the Alliance gets this oneā€

Never because theyā€™re too big.

Give Ogre pls


They could use the Kul-Tiran skeleton to make smaller Ogres with a more detailed model.

Iā€™d love ogres.

If you want ogres too please support Bagzaks thread.

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