Ogre gender

Did they ever finally solve this everburning question? I am kind of wondering if this was one of the reasons ogres were never made playable. Do they have two sexes, do they simply hatch from eggs and are unisexual like namekians from dragonball or the warhammer orcs and goblins?

They never have no, but I am pretty sure it is because pretty sells, and Ogres ain’t that for the general consumer base. Same reason we have never gotten Broken, likely.

We’ve known there’s an island of ogre females.

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I thinks it’s more that blizz just knows through whatever they use to gather information about the game, that there’s very little money in adding them as playable races. It likely won’t increase sub numbers that much to make it worth it.

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That is a more diplomatic way of putting it, I suppose.

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I thought ogres originated on Draenor though and is this canon or apocryphal?

Canon as its a quest.

Ogrezonians in the Mood

I was supposed to receive a shipment of jasper from Azeroth Express, but I just heard their ship crashed into some tiny island called Ogrezonia. I worry about the crew, as the giant female ogres on the island are rumored to perform horrible rituals on men who happen upon their island. My work must go on, though, and we need those gems. I’ve heard great things about your skill as a jewelcrafter - could you deliver three jagged jaspers by the end of the day?


man that is some real

type energy.


That sounds a lot like the Krogans from ME2

more so cntl C cntl V energy

Ogres have both males and females.

When WoW has first made Blizzard just made one gender models for some of things we fought against like Ogres, Nathrezim, Gnolls, Kobolds, etc…

We got female Dreadlords with Shadowlands, female Gnolls with Dragonflight, and since Kobolds are going feature in the War Within we might end up with female kobolds.

So while Ogres currently don’t have female models, if Blizzard decides to include Ogres in a storyline then we might get them, or we could get a female Ogre reveal if/when they become playable.


Do you think a version of this game that doesn’t use idiotic movie and TV references as a crutch exists? Yeah, I get it, you’ve seen Futurama, I understood that when you made me fight Professor Farnsworth after Saurfang mourned the loss of his son.


I wouldn’t be surprised if someone makes a private server called Serious WoW at some point

Hearthstone depicts a few female ogres. So the art is there.


they had an opportunity with WOD but did nothing.


Did you even play Mass Effect 2 or are you just trolling? At what point in ME2 do female krogan do horrible rituals to males of any kind. Provided you let Wrex live the only female krogan they really go into detail is his wife who plays more of a part in 3 anyway.

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The irony of this question!!


The Krogan females live in segregation from the males and only interact to mate. This is in part due to the Krogan aggression but also because of PTSD relating to the genophage. Because of the impact of the genophage, they practiced ‘selective breeding.’ The only successful breeding by the end of ME3 was because Cerberus were bredding them through IVF, making Krogan grown in a tank, using them as soldiers.

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Could be interesting if they decide to have it be that there is no visable difference between male and female ogres. It would be a retcon in modern sense, but it could be interesting. I’m not sure I’d trust blizzard with this though.


That’s from ME2 and how you get Grunt. In ME3, you can choose to completely cure the genophage or not during the Tuchanka mission.