Offtopic post (its my birthday)

hey everyone.
lets talk about fear for a minute.
i saw a post about the movie “the 4th kind”.
i watched it years ago. and as luck would have it, i completely forgot about the feeling of absolute dread and fear combined to the highest level I have ever experienced in my life.
I tend to get “invested” in things I watch and play and see and do. and i have to say, this movie put me into a state of fear I did not know existed.

ive been thinking the past few weeks about watching a scary movie by myself.
then the fourth kind showed up on the rheel. the feeling I felt after watching that movie stuck with me for a LONG time after, and honesly, i dont know if I am able to put myself through that level of fear again. conversely, it is one of my all time favorites. for what reason, i dont know. i thought i mastered my nightmares a long time ago. shrugs im 34 now. what should a grown man have to be afraid of? a movie? but if your anything like myself you find yourself drawn into the movie and ride the emotional train that follows. i mean. would anyone else like to share something that rises above all else that REALLY gets to you. Hopefully, like me, you had forgot about it. Like a normal human being. But I thought it would be cool to see what other people consider the “height” of fear. this was mine.

The Care Bears Movie is the stuff of horror.


i was hoping for a more serious reply. oh well. you get what you get i guess.

Bro… I’m 33 and watched that movie in my upper 20s with some friends… I didn’t sleep for 3 days because of how much it freaked me TF out.

Also, Happy Birthday!


hey everyone.
.lets talk about fear for a minute.

January 14th, 11:30pm
Subject: movie; “the 4th kind”.
I watched the movie atleast 8 years ago. and as luck would have it, i completely forgot about the absolute peak of dread and fear of death, powerless death and unknown nightmare combined to the highest level I have ever experienced in my life.
I tend to get “invested” in things I watch and play and see and do. and I have to say this movie put me into a state of fear I did not know existed until then.

Ive been thinking the past few weeks about watching a scary movie by myself.

then the fourth kind showed up on the rheel. the feeling I felt after watching that movie stuck with me for a LONG time after, and honestly, I do not know if I am able to put myself through that level of fear again.
it is one of my all time favorites.
for what reason?
I do not know.
I thought I had mastered my nightmares a long time ago? Im 34 now. what should a grown man have to be afraid of? a movie? but if your anything like myself you find yourself drawn into the movie and ride the emotional train that follows. would anyone else like to share something that rises above all else that REALLY puts your fear emotion on extreme high alert for extended periods of time. Hopefully, like me, you had forgot about it. Like a normal human being. But I thought it would be cool to see what other people consider their “height” of fear. this was mine.

as usual, i have no idea what’s going on here. :upside_down_face:

…but i’ll add this movie to my “to watch” list.


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i didnt read anything but happy birthday! :cake:

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Looks more like 6. Now Wer, that’s an 11.



Which one? The first one?

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat:

I dont watch horror movies, some people like them cuz the fear gives them adrenaline, but for me they dont do the trick except event horizon lol


Happy birthday, OP! Cheers to being 34! May this years bring you great fortune! :tada: :clinking_glasses: :birthday:

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat:

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I don’t either because all it does is make me see the negativity in the world. Not worth my time.

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat:

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thanks for the birthday wishes!

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Happy birthday!

Are you looking for scary movies or just general fears?

my guts are wrenching thinking about the rest of that movie. ugh. havent let myself feel that feeling in a long-long-ling-long time. boy oh boy what a rush. i really really hope theres not even 1 single peice of “evidence” that would mildley suggest this was in fact a reality.
i mean.
how would we know?
do you have abnormal activity in your area? you know who to call.
(buisness closed)

The only based on true events horror movies that scared me where “The Exorcist” and “The Blair Witch Project.”

But so many copy cats have taken the edge off of the genre.

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happy birthday.



THANK YOU! /10cha

Jin’do says “Grats!”