Losing AG is quite the nerf. Is the intent to offset this loss somehow, or will the damage profile be changing in season 2? I can’t imagine trying to heal some of the current dungeons with one fewer cd.
we need direct heal as rests shaman they are removing 2 big direct heal ag and p waive . we need to get something back.
P Wave is used literally 0% of the time in keys above 7+. Check Archon.
I suspect they will buff Ascendence directly to compensate in a future PTR cycle. (e.g 70% → 120% healing duplication, which mostly offsets the 25%*3 gain from AG, offset by lower overheal, longer Ascendance duration, and no extra talent point spent). Many specs haven’t received compensation for buffs/nerfs yet.
p wave is use a lot in pvp please you need to check other people need no only pve
It’s really stupid to remove ancestral guidance in the first place. Especially for every spec, the reasoning makes ZERO sense too, “resto shamans use it a lot with ascendance so we want to just remove it for every spec”
Ummm excuse me what? Are you even trying? Are you awake? I feel like they couldve just done this with any spell for any reason.
“we noticed ele shamans using frost shock after ice fury a lot for some reason so we deleted icefury and we also deleted astral shift because people were using it with bulwark totem! haha crazy , your welcome! :)”