Official Statement on Missing Tender Bug?

Is there an official statement on the missing tender bug? Do they know this is happening?

I’m so mad

My tendies are all present and accounted for. Did something happen? :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Logged out. They vanished. Seems to be other suffering in the CS forums/Twitter.

From the CS Forum, hope this helps:

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I had them all, and they vanished. But I exited the game and came back in. They’ve been restored.

Wild night in Azeroth.

Yeah I haven’t logged in yet to collect the rewards but I may hold off collecting them until later on in the week. It’s a month long marathon to get everything done so I’m in no rush.

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At least you got them. I open the chest and it goes through it’s glowing animation only to always result in absolutely nothing happening.

No one in Org around the post…got nothing when I opened the chest. Completely logged out of the game to see if that helped and still nothing…

Further down that thread: Hopefully this works, else best to wait until tomorrow to see if it resolves itself.

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That’s why you buy 2 orders. Didn’t you see the commercial lol

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Tried everything that was suggested by others…Nothing from the initial quest, did not get my bonus for owning Dragonflight…guess I shouldn’t be surprised this would be broken.