Official notes and yes dood

Guys, it’s so nice when we all can come together as a group and partake in family forum activities with one another.


Why name change if he did nothing wrong?

Cause I was already getting harassed on my server. Thanks for that btw.

This is pure gold!


lmao he’s half the replies in that thread flexing purchased sinful/corr glad lol haha i mean come on now


Lol this is a good thread

You forgot? This is SL, Blizz is thinking to change Gladiator title to " WTB gladiator " or " Carried Gladiator " due to % of players achieving gladiator while being challenger in previous expansions.

Everyone knows Shadowlands gladiators aren’t real lol, I feel bad for the people who hit gladiator without carry this expac, because gladiator mount is like regular mount now :smiley:

laughs in wow token

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Walking into this thread like…


At least I know how to make a thread entertaining

u know who he bought from? askin for a friend…

some Detective Conan shenanigans going on in here.

I actually love doing investigative work

How do you check a player’s history like that?

DHs and tank players never cease to amaze me


I’m really glad other people finally see Urie is a boost.

Constant fried takes, suspicious pvp rating, “best player in the world” with green parses.

I mean it couldn’t be more obvious.

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Mana burn won’t save you from the Watchdog chief.


Windwalker wasn’t even listed in the patchnotes kekw

Yo I got 400k g i need a glad carry deployment sucks :confused:

Never been a fan of Mana Rift. It feels really bad to get stunned and Mana Rifted on CD. Not saying it was breaking the game but it just seemed more of a gimmick way to win matches since no other class has the option to burn mana.