So I, like many Shaman, have been hoping for an update to the Ascendance model for some time now. Even since the spell was added, it has looked butt ugly and does not evoke the idea of ‘elemental master’ at all. So I was very pleased to see that it was, indeed, getting an update today. Only to find out they doubled down on the design and now it looks more undead than anything else.
I know many of you agree so here is an organized place for everyone to express their dislike of the new model and encourage Blizz to take another look at it. I would settle for at least the head being redone but honestly the whole thing could be more…elemental. I appreciate Blizz even attempting to update the model but this is a big miss, unfortunately.
after taking a much longer look than any mortal should, ive noticed that the fire form is literally just bolvar with hair. its even got the molten nipples!
I feel like it would have been better to keep a hood on the head without the weird squid thing the old model had and use new shoulders with elemental effects instead.