<Official Classic Server Discord Thread>

I don’t know what the other discords are, I wrote in my OP

I am open to community suggestions, feedback, realm additions, other resource additions. Please get in contact with me through this thread, and I will gladly add to the site if it benefits the community. For a full list of server discords -> view -> ClassicDiscord.com or join the support discord at support.classicdiscord.com

big discord = no no for me. It always ends in power struggles.

I don’t own a big discord. This is a community service that provides convenient hyperlinks to other discord owners.

Thank you for the links!

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Heya, quick big report for the website - the class server table is labeled as “European RP Realms” and the druid class discord is missing. Big thanks for putting this all together!

We are not currently in Standard Time. Please read more here and then update your OP:

Both issues have been fixed, thank you for your input kind sir.

Bumping to get info out.

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  • Fixed mobile formatting, so tables are readable/adaptable to mobile/tablet devices
  • Site is undergoing massive style revamp, whilst keeping table layout intact

There is a much bigger Whitemane community at


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There is, however I was told by a highly reputable source that the discord is poorly moderated, and that there was a well moderated Whitemane that should be linked to instead.

Also, the Classic WoW Guilds Discord mega-page links to the other discord as well.

I am open to changing it, provided there is a good reason to change it.

At the end of the day, I hyperlink the Discord based on what the best fit for the community is.

Hey Nsql, I run the discord.

Unfortunately there has been a lot of information thrown around that is just not true. I agree that it’s been hectic, but growing from 0-4400 members in a few days is bound to cause issues. Here are some of the things we’ve done to address moderation over the last few days:

  • We’ve more than doubled the moderation staff
  • We’ve implemented automod word filtering
  • We’ve refactored the channel layout to better spread out discussion and avoid a spam filled general channel
  • 15s slow mode in the main discussion channel

And we’re still exploring other ways of helping to improve the server.

It’s true to say that we’ve not been draconian in our moderation and prefer to make slow and steady adjustments. Our rules state our intended goal and what we’re working towards as we address issues that occur.

We’re also teamed up with the Whitemane subreddit and facebook community.

Hi Mannie, glad to see your response. Although I take the advice from the Classic WoW Guilds Discord rather seriously. It appears that you have recognized there was a problem(s) with your discord, and you are taking the necessary steps to correct your server.

This is good for the community overall.

As I will not be playing on Whitemane, and I am not a mod of the Classic WoW Guild Discord, you have my word that I will look into this from an objective standpoint by comparing and contrasting the two discords, decide which discord to link.

Because the name Whitemane is so specific, I feel that there is no way to link both discords through my hyperlinking tool.

Again, I am honestly not prone to any bias, I simply made a quick decision at the time, however I am open to changing the link, if your server is indeed the best fit for the community. Once more, there is no bias, I only care about the community.

I think you should reach out to the other Whitemane discord, have you not already. I know the Herod discord server merger failed, however, while I can’t get into the specifics of why it failed without completely trashing a certain admin, I can tell you that if both of your discords make an honest effort to merge together, and both communities deeply care about the server community are not trying to gain power beyond providing a community service - it will be better for the community overall.

Thank you for your message, I do not know how prevalent my hyperlinking service will be in the future, but it is already prevalent through google searches. I promise you, I will make an honest inquiry to this issue and keep you updated. But again, consider reaching out in attempts of a merger, I think it will help alot.

I have reached out a few times but unfortunately they would prefer to go their own route.

Just so you’re aware, the WoW Guild Discord had mods that created and ran (not sure if they are anymore) that server and have a vested interest in seeing it succeed over mine. I’d ask that you take their advice with a grain of salt.

First, I will note that I volunteered to be an admin on the classic wow guild’s discord because of the amazing service and job they had done providing service to the classic community, and thus, have some bias on this issue. However, I was not part of the creation of any realm discord or the conflict that has since arisen.

The CWG team, to my knowledge, is/was not opposed to merging into your server or incorporating you into the leadership of the cwg server, but the talks have not been fruitful.

The CWG team does not have any more of a vested interest in seeing their server succeed over your server, than you obviously do in the inverse.

CWG set servers up for every realm and then passed leadership over to established leaders from each community as known through the months of seeing leadership interact on the CWG server. The CWG’s team interest is in the community and their past efforts have demonstrated competence, dedication, and objectivity in maintaining the CWG Server

In the short time since launch, your community has grown through your aggressive efforts at publicizing your discord (good job). Unfortunately, while I would otherwise have nothing but praise for your efforts, there were multiple occasions of unwarranted brigading being directed towards the other discord when it was advertised or mentioned. On the CWG originated discord there has been much discussion of the toxicity of the “other discord” but I have not observed that toxicity and the moderator team of Mannie’s discord were respectful in my interactions with them.

As a Guildleader, I’d prefer one main server to minimize/concentrate effort, and my vote would be for the known quantity of the CWG established discord due to their proven track record as well as my experience with the team, but I know from reading on both discords that neither discord pleases the entirety of the community.

For the OP, I’m not sure if there is a straightforward or easy solution to the emergence of multiple discord servers per realm but I don’t believe that simply choosing the largest server is ideal.

Honestly, I think the best solution would be to advertise both discords until the server launch hype fades and the communities establish themselves.

Either way, great job on your website!

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Oh boy. ANOTHER thread about someone shilling their discord servers…

This thread is awesome thanks :+1:

IKR; I think there should be a rule that there must be at least 5 discord servers per realm. /s

@Honshan -> Thank you


I don’t own any of these servers.

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Server A discord link for Stalagg is dead.

Besides Server B is best Stalagg :yum: