Official 9.0.5 patch notes released, live on March 9th. Any chance of any other Hunter changes gone

I am disappointed in Blizzard not addressing the fact that currently Beast Mastery is dead last in every aspect of the game. Thanks for completely ignoring this spec, and ruining any chance for me to be apart of any content, Blizzard.

As much as it pains me to say it, I guess I’ll have to start learning MM.

What lead you to believe that at any point BM would be on par or Better than MM for this tier?

No matter how much they nerf MM i can only see it remaining dominate for this tier and probably further

I was running some sims earlier this morning, and decided to check the specs without legendary items. BM and MM appear to be neck and neck in DPS without the legendaries. When I equipped both MM and BM with SFE, their dps remained within 100 dps. It’s ridiculous that MM is only so far ahead of BM because BM legendaries are garbage.

So after the MM nerf the difference between MM and BM in raid is quite small now. Except on Mythic Sire as BM can’t really be used.

And yes BM is dead in every aspect of the game and so is MM, so is survival. Hunter as a whole is getting shat on in this expansion. The people in charge of design and balancing do not give a damn about Hunters and it’s blatantly obvious. The class with the largest player base is the one receiving the less attention on tuning and design.


Having a positive mindset allows for any possibility to happen. Being on par with another option your class can take is something any class should realistically be able to have. Blizzard’s philosophy of “bring the player not the spec” is clearly
a failure.

That honestly makes a lot of sense. Even with the buffs (and subsequent nerf) to the BM legendaries, they are still terrible. There is no one at Blizzard who plays a Hunter let alone a BM Hunter.

But at least people are more forgiving, in my experience, to MM Hunters. My MM guildmates tend to get invited to groups more than me. Even if what you said is true, I still feel there is a stigma against BM for some reason.

This is the case with all the pure dps specs.

In fact Hunters are basically paralell with Rogues at this point, both assassination and sub are low tier while outlaw is basically on Par with MM

Warlocks and mages are very similar to each other, each with one high tier; Fire and Affliction a mid tier; Arcane and Destro and a low tier frost and demo. Although to be fair frost is doing much better than demo.

Currently BM is awful. After 9.0.5 BM is still awful but MM will be just average ish in keys. It was the way blizzard decided to bring hunter specs to the same level. Nerf MM so it’s bad enough to be compared to BM

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BM/SV and to a lesser extent MM need more than a damage buffs to be fun and useful in parts of the game that aren’t world quests.

Things we need:

  • Pet System Revamp

  • BM talents need to be redesigned to actually create engaging gameplay

  • SV and MM need a ground up redesign, but SV is more dire

I’ve done a lot of work to design possible changes. BM and Pets are done. SV is almost done and MM is still in the oven.

The BM and Pet rework.

Has a “rework the class” post ever had a significant impact? I ask honestly.

Maybe not but worth a try. It’s that and/or quit.

And yes BM is dead in every aspect of the game and so is MM, so is survival. Hunter as a whole is getting shat on in this expansion.

The mythic plus leaderboards would beg to differ…

The number one BM hunter is legit rank 2310 of All dps. The best of the best of that spec is literally way behind the top 2000. I wouldn’t call that a lively spec.

There is 1.3% keys above 15 timed with a BM hunter in it.
And under 0.1% for a 20+ timed

The best bracket for BM hunters is M+ Level 2 to 3. Where they represent 3.2% of the population.

How so? which mythic plus leaderboards are you basing that off of. Wowprog still shows last expansion, so if you’re looking at that you’re wrong. Raider .io is all Boomkins/mages and rogues.

Also of note: it took a couple of months for a single log to be uploaded that contained a BM Hunter downing Sire Denathrius on Mythic. There are now a total of 5 logs containing BM Hunters. It has been 3 months since the raid was released and only 5 total parses for the spec. It’s not the worse spec, Survival has 2, Arcane Mages have 1, there are 0 Demonology parses, but still it’s pretty ridiculous to see.

Not surprising. Top end raider tend to play only what is strongest and switch to weaker specs on reclears for memes and parses.


And this is why I went to FFXIV. It is supremely well balanced to the point that every job is as viable and useful as every other job in that role. All jobs are sub 5% difference withing their chosen role.

Also the EASIEST job in that game is more complex than anything wow has on offer. Plus 1 character can do every job, all 4 tanks, all 5 melee dps, 3 caster dps, 3 healers, and 3 physical ranged dps. So anytime you want you can work on a new job without having to make a new character.

Plus with no add-ons its truly about player skill, nothing else.

Basically it’s more fun that wow while lacking the instant gratification of wow which make for a non toxic childish community.

Try playing Survival…

That’s a big ouch right there :S