Office Chairs or Gaming Chairs?

So i have a gift card for Office Depo and am currently thinking of getting a new chair because my cat has ripped the old one to shreds. The gaming chairs at my Office Depo are by Realspace. I went by the other day and sat in one and it wasn’t comfortable for me. What office chair or gaming chair would you suggest for me to get?

I don’t really have any recommendations(no Office Depots here), but a lot of desk chairs are overpriced right now at Office Depot it seems? It’s a good idea to find what one you may want, then watch the sales like a hawk. Most chairs are priced really high, then get heavily discounted randomly(not as much as they were pre-covid though).

Usually Black Friday is when you’ll find most chair sales, but that’s a fair bit away unless you can wait.

Never buy a gaming chair from a big-box, or most gaming chairs in general. Most of the ones in the store will feel like you’re sitting on a brick.

A lot of people tend to suggest mesh-based chairs, but they’re not for everyone, so do your research. Did you try many other chairs in the store?

get an office chair!!

imnsho similarly priced office chairs is a lot more comfy than a gaming chair, since it is designed for actually sitting down for a prolonged amount of time.

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Go sit in a lot of chairs. Once you’ve narrowed down a couple, try sitting in them for ten minutes if you can. A chair that works for one person may not work for the next. What you want is something that is very adjustable, so that you can customize it to your body.

A gaming chair may do, but don’t forget that part of the price is the styling (also, a number of them are modelled after bucket seats… you likely don’t experience G-forces while gaming, and I can’t imagine the high sides make those chairs especially adjustable).

I feel like chairs are worth splurging on – if it’s any good, you can be sitting in it for a decade and more. A good chair will help with your posture and reduce back issues. Plus you’ll probably be sitting in it a lot! There’s a definite and huge difference in quality between my $250 office chair and $800 office chair… if I had to do it again, I’d’ve skipped the $250 chair and gotten a basic higher-end chair.

There is a chair at office depot. The Brenton chair for 99 (it was on sale idk if it still is). Amazing little chair and it comes with a warranty.

Easy to put together too and easy to move!

Edit: boo they went up a little but yeah office chairs are great. They usually support loads better, and they come in a big and tall style too. Fiance had to have a big and tall chair, and he loves his.

You’ll be lucky to get an office chair that lasts 3-4 years. Either the leather starts peeling or the general wear-and-tear starts breaking it down. I honestly prefer office chairs now because every “gamer chair” I’ve bought before fell apart due to design defects.

From everything I’ve read, a good office chair is the way to go. Gaming chairs are often more expensive, but don’t offer any benefit. I’m not sure your budget, but I’ve got a Raynor Ergohuman and love it. I just checked the price and can’t believe I spent that much, but I must say it’s still very good. You can also buy parts to replace if they go bad. Replaced the lift cylinder in mine and my mom’s.

Just wanted to add. My mom and I have had our chairs for probably 10 years and they are still comfortable.

OP I bought this from Staples

Then paired it with a seat cushion I had prior to this chair

No gaming chair or Hermann Miller chair outdoes a purple seat cushion that is how comfortable this thing is

Even my mattress is a purple mattress

If you wanted you can just buy the purple cushion and just use that with your current chair now if it’s still usable

blow all your cash on a herman miller high back office chair. it’ll last forever and it’ll be the most comfortable chair you’ll ever own.

I so would do that… but the cash part… eh