Hi all,
Offering to the Darkness is recruiting for M+ players and people looking for a light raiding schedule (1x per week on Fridays at 6:30pm PST). Right now we need more DPS for raids.
We’re also selling timed 15s for 50,000 gold each; it’s a great opportunity to get it from a local and get your 2k rating mount. Price is negotiable if you’re buying bulk.
Finally: we have several crafters who are very skilled.
Cornshank-Doomhammer: completely maxed out Weaponsmith; can craft any Blacksmithing weapon.
Morasha-Doomhammer: maxed out Leatherworker for Leather recipes; don’t have all recipes but do have most.
Hlymly-Doomhammer: maxed out Jewelcrafter with Lariat, able to proc 5* Lariats at 418.
Reach out to us today if you’re interested in any of these services or joining our guild, and we’ll get you connected to an officer.
- Cornshank / Svo