<Of Hells Design> 1/8M LFM for Mythic

<Of Hells Design> is looking to recruit dependable, long term, and skilled players for our raiding roster. If you feel you match this description, please get in contact with us.

Raid times: Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:30pm EST to 11:30pm EST

Available spots:
DPS- Ranged slots open
Healers- Monk\Druid healer
Hybrid players- People who can Tank or Heal and Dps are highly valued

About OHD
OHD was formed during T11 of Cata on Scarlet Crusade by two real life friends. Our goal has always been to clear each raid before the next one releases on the highest difficulty possible. Over the years we have held high server rank boss kills since moving here after D3's release. While we are not as hardcore as we use to be we are still focused on challenging ourselves and improving with every tier.

In addition to playing Wow we enjoy playing a multitude of other Blizzard and non Blizzard games. Some of these games include League of Legends, Diablo 3. Overwatch, and Heroes of the Storm. We want players who are looking for a place to call home when we aren't killing bosses. Casuals and other non raiding players are also welcome to join us.

OHD maintains a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to help encourage a fun and successful raiding environment. With this in mid we still have the same expectations of any other serious or high end raiding guild. Which include dedication to the guild/raid team, high attendance and consistently maintaining a high level of skill in our play.

As a member in OHD you'll have access to assistance for everything you might need. Such as flask, potions, food, and more. All we ask from you is that you show up to raids, play hard and enjoy playing the game with us.

Things about you (we hope!)
• You enjoy raiding and challenges above all else.
• You strive to maximize how helpful you can be to the team and the guild.
• You don’t complain about menial things such as gear, boss fights, class mechanics, etc.
• You understand that raiding means wiping a lot. Sometimes even for multiple nights in a row.
• You strive to maintain nearly 100% attendance, with exception to unavoidable things such as emergencies.
• You maintain a positive attitude while raiding even when things get tough.

If you are interested and you feel you have these qualities please contact us in game or add me to btag= Ysosrslawl#1721. Additionally, if you'd like to check us out and see how we do things, I stream our raids every week on twitch.tv/ofhellsdesign.
Tomorrow TOS opens!
Aww biscuts! I am so ready for some new bosses!
Edit: Cleared normal.
Still recruiting.
So Timewalking BT was a fun blast from the past today.
Still recruiting! 5/9H now!
So many timewalking dungeons to do...too many alts.
Need more ppl to help kill more stuff
Hello Leorick,
I've just added your Btag. I'm primarily melee DPS but I enjoy tanking and would love to get better at it. 100% attendance wouldn't be an issue for me. Let's chat!
08/07/2017 09:18 PMPosted by Irritian
Hello Leorick,
I've just added your Btag. I'm primarily melee DPS but I enjoy tanking and would love to get better at it. 100% attendance wouldn't be an issue for me. Let's chat!

I am sorry I missed this, please let me know if you are still looking.
Still looking
Killed two more heroic bosses so we're now 7/9H TOS. Still recruiting.
8/9H now
9/9H as of 9/27
LFM to kill bosses with. Doing normal clear tonight, come trial with us!
Back from vacation, still recruiting!
Antorus is coming!
Antorus is coming!
Antorus is coming!

Sound the alarm!
10/11N as of tonight, Argus tomorrow!.
11/11N 2/11H not bad for the first week.