<Odin's Eye Gaming> Forming a new-player focused raiding guild

hello everyone. i’m trying to form a new-player focused raiding guild with the help of my gaming organization, Odin’s Eye Gaming, and hoping to have a roster ready for the war within. if this guild comes together even faster than i’d hope, we may even do some trial raids during dragonflight season 4.

i know how brutal it can be to get into raiding proper, despite the common advice of “just join a guild lol”. well, i’m hoping to offer some new players the opportunity to “just join a guild lol”. more importantly, i’m hoping to bring the raiding experience to some people who might not otherwise have experienced it.

we’re going to be an 18+ weekend (sun & sat, hours TBD) raiding guild, and we’re going to be focused on simply clearing normal mode each tier, as well as clearing the newly buffed mythic dungeons, though moving into heroic wouldn’t be off the table if enough people desired.

for those wondering about me, don’t worry, you’ll be in fairly good hands. i’ve gotten every aotc since the end of bfa and will still be actively raiding heroic. i’m not anybody special, but i can handle guiding new players through normal.

if this sounds interesting at all to you, please do not be afraid to contact me on discord - username ProcrastinatorLuke.