Oct 9 Hunter changes, UPDATE - Aoe buffed more, still losing some ST

But you commented anyway? Bit dumb if you know you have no idea to say anything imo.

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Hoping to get your opinion on something.

Currently running powx2 + writhing band on gloves.

Thinking of swapping glove embellishment to dawn thread, crafting bracers with dawn thread and using mythic sikran bow.

Might be a small loss in st but since we are about to prog brood it would be better optimization as I don’t think BMs buffs will be good enough to be better over MM on brood.

Think that’s the right play?

It would be fine for anything heroic and below which is what I was saying.

As far as being viable in competitive content I wasn’t sure.

I never crafted pow cuz I got mythic sikran bow week 1 so hard to comment but lining goes hard for mm

Yeah I didn’t get bow till last week.

My thinking would be by swapping the glove embellishment in three week so would just craft another set of gloves and have both saw thread lining x2 in bracer/glove and then band on gloves

For the benefit of the audience, competitive content is:

  1. M+ 15 and up.
  2. Mythic raiding.
  3. Arena and BG past 1800.
  4. Urban WPvP (if it still exists).

That’s not competitive content


I did a heroic raid yesterday on my BM and the damage was around 10-15petrcent lower even with some gear upgrades. Never got above 1 mil DPS, while last week I did on the third boss. Now it was like 800k.

Beating you out DPS one of Blizzards’ characters, and they were like “No way a Hunter better than me. I’ll fix that”.

That sounds like sour grape talk to me. Hunters have done it, though not as many because it’s the hardest. You can say that, but I know why. Why? Here’s why

You’ve never done it.

If BM can hold its own in the city ganking people efficiently, I’d say it does well. It probably does, because you don’t necessarily need good AoE to gank. That ST does need to be there. The only problem is that PvP has been on the slide since the game went woke.

Lucky for me I don’t care what you think.

Nothing in world content is competitive.


The sims say it’s 5%. A 10-15% loss is player issue

You should hear her/him out though, whether you believe her/his argument is invalid or valid. That’s like someone saying they don’t care what you think because you’re competitive in a virtual game but not competitive when it comes to actually putting in the effort to be something or someone in your real life.

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Not really. If someone is claiming they are having a 10-15% loss posting on a mage and zero logs should not be taken seriously.

Not to mention there’s multiple factors that can attest to the damage loss especially if he’s pugging.

That’s making an assumption that I’m not successful or competitive in real life.

There’s a thing called credibility and posting zero logs or the hunter themselves means zero credibility.

If you’re bad at WPvP especially in towns and cities, just say that. That takes guts to say it, the same as saying you try to push rating. But you can’t say you’re bad if you’ve never done it. You don’t even know how GOOD you might be.

Get the picture? How do you know BM spec’s REAL capability? Mythic and M+ has limits, Arena and BG have limits. They’re high limits, yes, but they are hard limits. But WPvP is limitless. You don’t know how many and who they are would instaflag on you while you’re ganking in the cities. How does BM fare? You’ll never know if you’ve never done it.

Being good or bad doesn’t make something competitive.

There’s no ladder or rankings.

It’s not competitive in any real world.

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Competition is a rivalry where two or more parties strive for a common goal which cannot be shared: where one’s gain is the other’s loss (an example of which is a zero-sum game).[1] Competition can arise between entities such as organisms, individuals, economic and social groups, etc. The rivalry can be over attainment of any exclusive goal, including recognition.

In WPvP, it’s the Red Law. You compete to a) stay alive as long as possible, and b) keep the opposition ghosted as long as possible.

Urban WPvP is concentrated with the main bulk of a server(s)’ community, thus it’s the hardest to maintain PvP control. My GM was the best at it, even having as many as 9 flagged Alli on him during BFA. He even was part of a sub-10 raid effort that scored some 200 HKs in SW during SL. So it’s a competition to keep the opposite faction from deleting your auctioneers and bankers.

Thankfully we have stats. WPvP can be “loggable”. You can track wins and losses.

I can agree to this, but it was my point that a record of activity in ganking in the cities is sufficient for me to consider BM spec’s performance, IF it happens. There’s going to be a record.

“Yes, I got 500 HKs with 50 L’s solo/group/raid in capitals, and BM is good/bad based on blah-blah.”

500 to 50 is a 10 to 1 and that would be EXTREMELY EFFICIENT ganking, i.e. showcasing BM as hard to delete and easy in deleting others. I can listen to those people just as well as any mythic raider, M15+, and Arena/BGer.


Yeah I’m not gonna get into a shouting match with you know who. There will be statistics next week.

It’s not competitive content.

No matter how many paragraphs you write.

There isn’t a shouting match. I doubt you can even provide a log backing your claims

Being the biggest obstinate a-word won’t matter against a universally accepted definition of the concept. I see you already have a reputation for it.

It’s not a problem to those who don’t let it be. Your obstinacy won’t stop the best in ANY competition.

Edit: I should add that for the stock definition I copy-pasted, it has to be a common goal that can’t be shared. You can SHARE achievements, raid progress, and almost all ratings with others, so technically I would be wrong to consider M15+, raiding, Arena and BGs competitive for those ends.

If you’re just trying to get 8/8M, KSM, 2400 rating, etc., this definition says you’re not competing nor doing competitive content. You literally have to get something before the other guy gets it. RWF, in this way, is a competition, and how many of us here so that? How many of us HAVE done it?

It’s the inconvenient truth that in a REAL competition, there will be winners and losers. I know this participation trophy generation’s not used to hearing this. In WPvP, one is going to become a ghost, and lose a little precious game time.

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