Oceanic WoW Classic Realms

Both the services are supposed to be getting released worldwide at the same time.
No region should be getting an advantage, even if they are not playing on their local region.

So… is this catering for US West again and we have to wake up at 4am and they get it at a more normalized time after work?

If the Classic release is anything to go by, we will be able to create our characters at 8am AEST, 10am NZST.

It says at the bottom “** To align with other regions, the Americas character creation will occur slightly ahead of August 13.” So, you would assume that we would be slightly ahead at 8am AEST.

I dare say this is the most beautiful thing i have heard today. F%$K, THE, HELL, YES!!!

lol people think that we Australians actually get 200-300 ms? nononono its more like 400+ even in retail, you vastly over-estimate our internet. add the artificial 400ms, this is godsend news.

now just disable world buffs in raids and bring on vanilla SO MUCH HYPE~!!!

Good to hear.

Methinks you need more better Interwebs… I get around 170ms from east coast Australia (near Newcastle) to Proudmoore…

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Nice work Blizz. :+1:

Happy for the oceanic types who will actually get to enjoy a normal ping…

That being said, as an english speaking North American… I’d rather have a dozen Aussies and Kiwis in my groups with their atrocious pings, than have to deal with the latin american player language barrier. Hopefully we can get some language specific designated realms, much like the EU servers are doing.

I’d also add, that latin realm player pings are seemingly also an issue on live, so perhaps consider hosting at least a few servers closer to those countries than NYC/ Chicago/ LA

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and relief washes over me in an awesome wave


Here’s a video of nihilum doing world first Kelthuzad back in 2006 using world buffs.
(ZG, songflower, watched blessing, darkmoon faire)

World buffs were a part of vanilla, they’ll be in classic.

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would have liked this post a few weeks/months ago but still, THANK YOU

Best news EVA

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Thanks for the coms Bliz :slight_smile:

For our European Spanish players we do offer the server Ragnaros NA to play on😂

Cool, but is that going to be ahead and able to come to the Oceanic Servers and get the names or are they locked to US West only? AFAIK its 3 names per server, so if they have all the options open to them, then… were (Oceanic) outta luck.

It is literally just a timezone thing. No early access is being given to the Americas for name saving or server launch. The wording used on the notes at the bottom of the news post about these things says “To align with other regions, the Americas character creation will occur slightly ahead of August 13.”.

So launch day for LA @ 3pm local time on Aug 26th is at the same time as 8am Brisbane QLD time on Aug 27th.


I can finally play a melee class at 20ms without the out of range spam on my screen.

Now just need seperate night / day and no PvP server sharing completely away from the seppos. Now that would be the dream oceanic server.

Absolutely fabulous darling.

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