[Oceanic] Unplayable lag while in some instances

Dungeons, battlegrounds and arena sometimes (not all) are super laggy for some reason. Ping spikes to 500-5000ms. It doesn’t happen every time but it’s at least half my games now. Any else having similar issues?


Hey there,

I’d recommend to run WinMTR in the background while doing instanced content and lets see if that shows any abnormally high latency spikes. I’ve included the Oceanic IP address in the instructions since you’re primarily playing on the Australia realms, but feel free to swap that out with the US Central IP ( if it looks like the problem is happening in instances where you’re being placed on US instances.

  1. Download WinMTR
  2. Right-click on the downloaded .zip folder and select “Extract All”, to extract the files to a new folder.
  3. Open the new folder that was created, then open the WinMTR_x64 folder.
  4. Right-click on the WinMTR application and select “Run as administrator”.
  5. Type the IP address in the “Host” field.
  6. Click on “Start” and then launch the game. Allow the test to run for at least 10 minutes. Click on “Stop” when you’re done playing after you have experienced the latency or connection issue.
  7. Click on “Copy Text to Clipboard”, paste the results here, then highlight everything and hit the </> button in the posting section so it will allow links.

I am having the same issue, it only happens in rated arena matches, and not all the time. But I enter the match and suddenly the game becomes unplayable with spikes between 500 and 5000ms.

I am having same issue. last 2 battlegrounds have been unplayable.

If you’re having the issue, collect the data the staff requested so they can assist you.

Yes this has been happening a lot to me also. Tired of this OCE nonsense

Been playing a couple hours this morning with no issues and then after 3-4 arena games I get a very long load screen and come out to 205ms home (normally 30ms) and 1.5k ms world (usually 30-70ms)

Tried relogging as ping is staying high and unplayable, heres the info…

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 130 130 0 0 6 0 - 0 130 130 2 7 40 4 - 0 130 130 2 3 42 6
unknowntelstraglobalnet - 0 130 130 36 43 169 37
unknowntelstraglobalnet - 0 130 130 31 31 44 32
unknowntelstraglobalnet - 21 72 57 0 65 116 60
et-0-0-49-br02-eqsy4.as57976net - 25 66 50 0 72 162 61
et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976net - 20 73 59 50 65 128 60 - 25 65 49 0 62 77 60

Here is 10minutes of just sitting in oribos after that arena match.
Getting consistent spikes currently, hopefully the info helps!

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 374 374 0 0 6 0 - 0 374 374 2 7 63 22 - 0 374 374 2 3 29 3
unknown.telstraglobalnet - 0 374 374 35 45 256 36
unknown.telstraglobalnet - 0 374 374 31 31 52 31
unknown.telstraglobalnet - 22 203 159 0 60 135 72
et-0-0-49-br02-eqsy4.as57976net - 22 203 159 36 71 235 48
et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976net - 20 211 169 36 58 125 99 - 17 231 194 36 58 90 36
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WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Looks like there’s packet loss starting in the Telstra network here. Since the problem is not constant there may be an intermittent issue showing up along the route. Telstra appears to have having issues getting your data from your internet provider to the WoW servers and back.

We’ll keep an eye on this and if anyone else playing on Oceanic realms can run a WinMTR test to compare results that would be helpful to confirm how widespread this is.

When this problem starts happening you may be able to work around it by connecting through a different network, for example a mobile data hotspot/tether or using a VPN, as those will change the routing between you and the server.

So anything happening anytime soon? Can’t even play the game properly with this issue and definitely not worth paying a sub tbh

Were you able to try playing through a different connection or a VPN to confirm that the problem goes away?

From the looks of the WinMTR the issue is occurring on the Telstra network, so outside of Blizzard’s control. If the problem comes and goes it may be happening more often during peak times (when the most people are using the internet in your region) and may indicate a congestion issue that the backbone provide would need to look at.

Contacting your internet provider to report the issue to them is the best thing you can do, other than potentially using a different connection to work around the problem. Let them know the specific times you’re seeing the problem happen. Generally the more reports the better for routing issues such as this, so they can determine how many of their users are being affected and prioritize it.

Still keeps happening now, I’m not paying a sub for a VPN just to play one game that I already pay a sub for. The last VPN I used years ago just made my connection worse. Just gonna cancel my sub and problem solved, the game is horrible right now and no devs ever listen to the community anyway so it’s a perfect time to bounce

Having similar issues here and with iinet. They did speed tests and in certain times the speeds just drop. Not the ping as such but the download speed. They looking into it

this happen when a Oceanic player got phased to USA realm, same problem when a Latam got phased to Oceanic realm. im not sure why USA to Oceanic dont have this problem

I play from California and connect to the Australian server: Arugal.

I can verify this is happening to me too, and ONLY started a few days ago for me. Discord, ping tests, etc are all all right, but in game I lag to the point where I can go about a minute of being stuck in a place. Happens in raids, such as SSC and TK.

I have no fix for this.

edit: I should add, I’ve tested this on my phone’s hotspot and also my sonic fiber. Both lag, when neither one did before. Addons disabled, all that.

Back in the day, wasn’t there an issue where the raid leader zoning in caused some issues to occur around TBC times? It was leader dependent, or something ridiculous.

I’m in an LFR group that 5 people are saying about 1k+ world latency.
The second boss platform in HoA my whole group would lag out and we would all have to reconnect, we ran it 3 times in a row and even with 3 new people everytime the same thing would happen.
The issue isn’t a personal thing.

Playing from Brazil on US Stormrage server, I’m trying to kill Sylvanas on LFR for the 4th time and always get over 1k MS on all instances, everything normal when I leave the instance, regular ping everywhere but there. I’m also using Exitlag.

I’ve been having this issue in a few raids and battlegrounds lately. I have not been able to find a solution other than leaving that instance. I tried using a VPN with a few different locations and it did not change it.

I’ve been having intermittent lag spikes over the last few days on war mode off Frostmourne, sometimes sending a chat message or moving my character a fair distance away can trigger a catch up but other times I need to alt+f4 or disable my network adaptor and log in again.
Two days ago I deleted my config.wtf file to make sure I was using standard settings and the issue has persisted.

I ran WinMTR to OCE IP as instructed earlier in this post and over the course of this (20 minute test) I had about 5-6 short (4-7 second range) occurrences of unresponsiveness while world questing.

From experience Frostmourne’s war mode off world server has frequently had lag issues ever since Shadowlands pre-patch/launch, and usually corroborated by a large number of players in general chat. In my experience though these lag bursts have dramatically worsened over the last 2-3 weeks.
A couple of weeks ago this hunter running ICC completed the gunship battle, and then was hit with a lag spike. When the server caught up, I found the Skybreaker had come to a stop at an extremely odd place and I had to suicide off the ship to continue running the raid.

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 595 595 0 0 10 4
122-58-192-1.jetstream.xtra.co.nz - 0 595 595 1 3 101 8 - 100 239 1 14 14 14 14 - 0 595 595 10 14 113 14
ae7-2.akbr7.global-gateway.net.nz - 0 595 595 11 15 62 16
et1-0-0.sgbr3.global-gateway.net.nz - 0 595 595 35 39 84 38
57976.syd.equinix.com - 0 595 595 36 44 152 42
et-0-0-49-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net - 0 595 595 35 57 530 38
et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net - 0 595 595 35 41 104 37 - 0 595 595 34 38 82 37 - 0 595 595 35 39 84 38
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