Oceanic server PvP experience and latency


I rotate between the US and Australia pretty much 50/50. I have been thinking about making a oce character for when I am in Australia as I have been playing NA on classic anniversary servers.

Given that Australians get paired with NA servers is there any benefit doing so for bg’s? Do Australian players normally get paired with Oce players and only Na when there are minimal Oce players active or is almost every bg hosted in na?

US West Dreamscythe I get a consistent 160ms from Australia with no issues. The OCE server is a myth and not an option for those of us who don’t want to face death squads and Undead Rogues.

I’m pretty sure we DON’T get paired with US if you’re playing on OCE? Elron made that loud and clear and ruined cross-region BGs for us because he cried “muh ping”

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