[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

In the end. I want an equal playing experience to the other people in the same game.


If we as OCE players can exist on NA servers, but start all instanced content (Dungeons/Raids) on spun up servers in OCE with good ping, everyone would stand to win. Please consider this!


Yeah nice way to show you care about the oceanic community, while trying to advocate for gdkps in the same process.

Smartest way to get blizzard to listen to your opinions is to screech the same thing every 6hrs for 6 months. They will definitely listen to you then.

Some of these dudes have no social awareness, its crazy


+1 this is a reasonable compromise for a forced change, players will very quickly drop off when the ping starts impacting their raid, there is no downside to implementing this.


Agree minus GDKPs.

Don’t kill us Blizz.


Please Give us an OCE server to transfer to or just leave Shadowstrike AU

A lot of people will quit before going back to US pings.


https ://i.imgur.com/Qwlwf82.png

Shadowstrike has over 73 active guilds that have cleared mc so the comment of “can’t scrap together a raid team” is wrong

https ://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2012#metric=progress&region=11&subregion=36&boss=-1&difficulty=3&page=2

Our server can be maintained with a healthy population if you take steps to address the issues and actually try to help the oceanic region.


There’s an x post from Tom Ellis which makes it sound like this is all up to him as it’s filled with “I” talk. So I suggest you say something there too. I’ll link when I can.

Mention the latency as that’s a technical thing and affects gameplay. This guy seems to have a soft spot for the self centered rager types who lack the social skills to make friends and find consistant groups, so don’t bother to talk about community as this guy does not care in the slightest. Stick to the technical reasons like the ping issue.


Totally agree here. KoM & Noted both performing in speed runs on a world level. Switching to US ping will just completely kill this aspect of the game and for me at least will mean I leave the game.

Also, if someone can explain to me how no gdkps leads to less gold buying and doesn’t lead to lower server activity I’d love to hear it.


Look up supply and demand. Pretty simple really

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+1, Forcing Oceanic players onto NA ping is wild. We’ve had a strong OCE community since the first launch of Classic WoW, Please do not take this away from us.


This is the solution we’re looking for.

Most of us like the idea of being on a very populated server, but having to RAID on 200+ms is a dealbreaker for me and my guild. High ping is just not fun at all.

Please make this happen Blizzard, we know you have the technology.


Kills Pug mentality, only terrible players want to join them and rely on the hosts to carry them. Not sure how the anti GDKP people can be so removed from reality. Would you not rather more players and an easier experience to gear/level alts with a larger community?

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I doubt you’ve had to use target dummy’s in any of your raiding in SoD :slight_smile:

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Smart response. Forgot target dummies cost 5k a pop!

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Yeah of course i would. But then the whole server economy turns into a damned if you do damned if you dont situation if you allow gdkps.

If you dont gdkp you get left behind. If you do, the server economy inflates astronomically.

The hive mind himself has spoken!

Don’t make us play on NA ping!!!


Tom Ellis x com /FwoiblesWoW

As of right now I was intended to include the OCE realm as its population is teetering on the edge of viable. I could use some strong opinions as I could still go either way. My thought though is an empty realm with a low ping is pointless if you can’t scrape together a raid team


Please don’t derail these discussions into talking about GDKPs

We need to focus on ensuring we can raid on OCE ping as a priority


OP mentioned gdkps as part of his solution.

It was derailed from the get go