Please consider a release of a dedicated Oceanic PvP server for SoD. PvE servers offer adventure, but they omit much of the peril from the levelling experience, they do not fully capture the sense of danger that is a major appeal of the classic iteration of this game. The appeal of PvP servers is the ‘war’ in the World of Warcraft.
For us Australian’s, playing on PvP servers in NA sucks, it’s a suboptimal experience engaging in open world shenanigans on 300 ping. While the PvE content remains manageable at higher pings, the quintessential thrill of open-world PvP combat is dependent on latency.
On a personal note, my anticipation for the SoD is contingent upon the availability of an OCE PvP server. The prospect of re-uniting with my IRL and guild friends and heading off into a dangerous world is the attraction of replaying this levelling experience.
Please release a dedicated server for this cohort of your player base that share my sentiments. I suspect there is a large and loyal player base here that are also concerned about this.
Quite a few of us are gonna go to a PvP server, be it NA or Oce.
Personally I’m worried though, having 2 server types might stretch our region to thin, that’s why in Classic we just moved to NA servers due to the larger population, just everything was a lot easier.
Don’t get me wrong on launch I’m expecting Oce servers to be packed but the longevity is what’s my concern.
I’m really happy though, finally getting Oce servers is awesome for SoD but honestly I don’t know how long they’ll last after the “Honeymoon Period” ends.
I guess the beauty of SoD is the level cap is 25, so easily can change servers and not be too behind once the hype dies down and see how population is on Oce.