(Oceanic) 1-8k Latency Spike: ISP: StarHub Cable Vision, Singapore

World ms hovering 1K -8K totally unplayable. Home ms varies from 200 to 1.5k
ISP: Starhub
| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
testwifi.here - 0 123 123 0 0 3 0
router.asus. com - 0 123 123 0 0 2 0 - 0 123 123 1 2 22 2
an-ts-br05.starhub.net.sg - 0 123 123 1 2 6 2 - 0 123 123 2 2 9 2
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 123 123 2 5 71 4
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 123 123 2 4 8 3
i-15250.hkth-core02.telstraglobal. net - 0 123 123 37 38 42 38 - 0 123 123 151 152 156 152
i-0-0-0-1.sydo10.bi.telstraglobal. net - 0 123 123 154 155 160 155
unknown.telstraglobal. net - 0 123 123 155 156 171 156 - 0 123 123 151 156 250 152
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqsy4.as57976. net - 20 67 54 0 175 211 174 - 31 55 38 173 174 180 174 - 24 63 48 0 174 177 174
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

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49 posts were merged into an existing topic: My Republic ISP Singapore massive latency spikes, game unplayable

We’ve gone ahead and merged this thread with the Starhub thread here.