Oceania, but why?

Why do some people call the continent of Australia wrongly Oceania?

One Australia isn’t a continent its an island.
Two Australia resides in the oceanic region

Here is your explanation from a happy aussie.


Thank ya

It’s because Chinese played here.

If they called it Asian servers we would riot.

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What? No oceania has 14 different countries as part of its region some of are asian but china is not one of them. Please invest in a map.

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Australia is a continent AND an Island. Sheesh some Aussie’s are dim.


Ok, so this is exactly as I learned it ages ago, and then started to wonder why they have been trying to revise the name. The more reading I did on the subject the more obvious it is that contention over the name exists…

Problem with the contention over the name is simple tho, its the English name for the land mass, not the “insert language name here” version that makes everyone feel better. The only problem with “feel good” revisionism is that it creates confusion and obsoletes educational literature for those who want to learn all there is to learn (within reason).

For example if speaking Russian, you learn things with different names, or you are speaking German you learn learn things with different names; its the same object, place or idea but we use different words but in essence its the same thing.

So when speaking English we should use the English names for those things; this makes sense to me, but it seems to me that the English speaking nations of the world are self hating and very confused overall with obvious outliers who see the foolishness for what it is.


must have missed that day in primary school mate

Australia is absolutely a continent.


Due the fauna Australia is considered an island. Try google maybe.

:joy: !

:joy: !


Australia is both a continent and an island, and is often called an “island continent”:

Geographers consider Australia to be one of the world’s seven continents. It’s the smallest continent, covering over 8 million square kilometers.

Australia is surrounded by ocean and has many islands, including K’gari, the world’s largest sand island. Some say that Australia’s fauna is more similar to that of an island, with many endemic species and a lack of modern carnivores.

Hope that helped. Did you miss this day school or something?

So you mistyped?

allg m8

I’m confused, first you said this.

Then you said this.

So which one is it? You said 2 different things.


It has the categorising features of both. Hence why it is known as an island continent. Island being the leading term makes it an island when talking about it. Just like a direction but can be north west but you can’t reach that destination simply going west, a better example is someone who is knighted is now a sir while still being a mr the prefence of sir being first in title makes that the term used to define.

That’s not even close to a good example, people aren’t continents, everyone knows apart from yourself that Australia is one of the 7 continents.