[OCE][A/H] <Over The Hill> AOTC-DoableMythic Guild Recruiting HEAL(AnyClass) DPS(AnyClass) PST Discord for info

Enduring guild with older player. Recruiting raider DPS(Warlock>DH>Warrior>Cloth-Caster>Range) HEAL(Pally) M/Heroic/N Raid (laidback fun but focused & organized) friendly clean respectful atmosphere. Welcome Casual-Raider to apply PST info! TY! Thanks!

Enduring guild with older player. Recruiting raiders DPS(DH>Warlock>Evoker>Caster>Any-Class) M/Heroic/N Raid (laidback fun but focused & organized. no XP need) friendly clean respectful atmosphere. Welcome Casual-Raider to apply PST info! TY! Thanks!

Enduring guild with older players.

Recruiting raiders DPS(DH>Warlock>Evoker>Caster>Any-Class) M/Heroic/N Raid

Laidback fun but focused & organized, no XP need.

Friendly clean respectful atmosphere!

We welcome Casual-Raiders to apply, PST for more info! TY! Thanks!

Enduring guild with older player. Recruiting raider DPS(DH>Warrior>Evoker>lock>AnyClass) HEAL(AnyClass) M/Heroic/N Raid (laidback fun but focused & organized) friendly clean respectful atmosphere. Welcome Casual-Raider to apply PST info! TY! Thanks!

We are after DPS: DH > Cloth-Caster > Evoker Aug > Any skill dps would consider

Enduring guild with older players.

Recruiting raiders
DPS (DH>Warrior>Evoker>lock>Any Class)
HEAL (Any Class)

M/Heroic/N Raid (laidback fun but focused & organized) friendly clean respectful atmosphere.

Welcome Casual-Raider to apply PST info! TY! Thanks!

We are after DPS: DH > Cloth-Caster > Evoker Aug > Any skill DPS would consider

We are continuing to recruit players for both casual and for our push into mythic raids.

Long-established AOTC easy mythic raiding. We’ve weekly fixed schedule raid since 2009 (laidback but focused & organized) friendly clean respecful environment. Recruiting 1xHEAL(AnyClass) 2xDPS(AnyClass) for our Mythic prog PST info! TY!


Applied on my Druid Alkho through guild finder and added on bnet. Website wouldnt work for me :confused:

Hiya Vau!
howdy, we sent invite back on LFG to you :wink: see you soon

Hello there!

Great Shamans tbh.

9/10 Shamans would reccomend this guild

Long-established AOTC & doable mythic. We’ve weekly fixed schedule raid since 2009 (laidback but focused & organized) friendly clean respecful environment. Recruit HEAL(AnyClass) DPS(Lock>Evo>AnyClass) for our Mythic wing1 prog PST info! TY!

In-need 1xheal (any class) 4xdps (lock>evo>any-class) for mythic first 4 prog and next raid tier

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ho ho ho
Once you join you can’t gquit

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We’re recruiting more healer and dps for new season raid

recruiting more raiders