OTH-OCEANIC (since 2009) an old social raiding guild. Our raids are laid-back but focused and organized! Our focus is AOTC as we have always achieved it every raid tier. As well as a few doable mythic early wing bosses that not too crazy and still enjoyable
We provide 2 nights raid.
.1 night progression raid (Heroic/Mythic) for our guild core raiders who searching for enjoyable end game content without the pressure.
.And 1 more night gear farming raid (Heroic/Normal) for our raiders and members to join.
.Mythic plus also available on Saturday and our guildies also random run M+ during active hours.
We welcome all Oceanic and Cross-realm raiders and casual players apply to join us!
To Apply:
→ You could contact us on Discord: <Guild-discord: seajzbz> <Discord: CLOUDTHAO#2919> for information.
→ Or, you could contact us in-game <Battle Net: CLOUDLING#1865> ; for an interview and direct in-game invitation.
→ Or character contact in-game Cloudycloudy - Cloudthao - Hellishwail.
→ Or, Visit our website ohttp://Overthehill.linkpc.net . Fill an application form on our site. Leave your contact information like Discord or Battlenet.
→ Or, go to in-game WOW Guild finder, search on guild finder, you will find our main guild [over the hill] and our alt guild [Over the Hill Alts] Our guild sigil is 2 yellow lions with over 900 toons in guild. Sign up to join, we will send you invite through it. Please leave information for contact as well.
Raid time:
.WEDNESDAY 7:30pm-10:30pm Server time (Mythic/heroic) (progress team raider).
.FRIDAY 7:30pm-10:30pm SVT (heroic/normal) (Raider & members, new raider trial to join prog team)
(We’re using our server time which is Australia Sydney GMT+10 time base) (Raid time will adjust 30 minute early when daylight saving change at 7:00pm-10:00pm)
.Mythic plus on Saturday night between 7:00pm-10:00pm Realm Time (Australia Sydney time - Oceanic)]
…Fixed: [Progression Team run progress Raid on Wednesday night at 7:30pm-10:30pm Realm Time (Australia Sydney time - Oceanic)] (Heroic or Mythic - depending on time line) (7:00pm-10:00pm on daylight saving)
…Fixed: [Raider run Gear-Farm Raid on Friday night at 7:30pm-10:30pm Realm Time (Australia Sydney time - Oceanic)] (Committed raider & casual raider & new trial - M/Heroic/N - depending on time line)
…Not fixed [Casual-alt-trial Gear-Farm Raid on Friday nights at 10:30pm-12:00pm Realm Time (Australia Sydney time - Oceanic)] (Casual-Alt-new-Trial to join team, optional for raiders) (Farm Normal or Heroic mode, This is not fixed schedule, depending on time line)
…Mythic plus on Saturday night between 7:00pm-10:00pm Realm Time (Australia Sydney time - Oceanic)]
About US
Over The Hill is an old ally PVE based guild located on US-Oceanic Frostmourne server since 2009. An enduring guild with most of players from vanilla. O-T-H is Home for players from a variety of countries, cultures, genders … young-middle-old parents, older adults, couples, guys & gals, LGBT, 2-3 generations family play together, as well as players from over 20+ different countries in guild.
We welcome all like-minded adult players with a mature outlook in life to join us (Casual-social, raiding, mythic+ etc.) We maintain a clean and respectful culture of friendliness. We’re not tolerate bad languages, toxic trash talks, offensive-insulting topic (sexist, racist, politic …etc…) or any bad behaviors in our guild environment.
We have laid back gear-farm raid for casual players and raiders (relaxed fun but focused, organized and no drama). We also provide heroic/mythic raid progression for players searching for enjoyable end game content without the pressure of chasing the Cutting Edge.
Currently recruiting more committed raiders (Healers + DPS) for our [Heroic-Mythic] committed progression raids.
Also recruiting more casual players and laid back raiders (Healer and DPS) for our casual [Normal-Heroic] raid. No raiding experience required.
Additionally, We have main guild for your main toons (at max 2-3 of your most active toons) and alt guilds for all your alts to park in, both our guild chats linked. Members can bring as many alts into our alt guild as they like.
All welcome to contact us for more information, Thank you!