I am a returning player with extensive raid experience looking for a 2-3 night Mythic raiding guild, preferably targeting CE. I am on OCE-Frostmourne and available for 6 nights 7:30-11:30pm server time except for Saturday. Can cross or transfer realm.
- Realm first Firelands Heroic & Dragon soul Heroic, Resto Shaman (* not in Frostmourne).
- Nya’lotha CE Resto Shaman (with Monkey business),
- Nya’lotha CE Brewmaster monk (with Whimsy),
- Castle Nathria 9/10M Disc Priest, Holy Paladin & Resto Shaman (with Nomi Nation)
- Sanctum of Domination CE Brewmaster monk (with Nomi Nation)
- Amirdrassil AOTC
The list involved a lot of roles because I was versatile to shift classes and specs based on the needs of raid groups. I have been a mature and consistent raider at 100% attendance during my raiding days. Stepped away due to a major disruption in the workplace.
My available toons are:
Resto Shaman,
Holy Paladin,
Disc Priest.
I’m happy to chat more about my experience and what I can bring to the team. Please feel free to reach out to me on BN tag Silmarill#11470 or Discord: silmarila