OCE | Yojamba | Religious Guild Idea

I’m a practising Catholic and studying to be a high school RE teacher. I was thinking of a guild idea centred around religious or spiritually minded people. People can be agnostic, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and even atheists that are open to the idea of a theistic god. (They can be from other religions too but being the Catholic I of course only mention the Abrahamic ones :D)

The main point of the guild would be to create a community of helpers. Create an image on the server that we are people who will go out of our way to help other people on the server. This community could also be a place were we can talk, share, and express our beliefs or even give people who have questions the chance to talk to us about our beliefs.

I wanna know if there are other people here on the forum who would be interested in this idea. I never played Vanilla or WOW but I’m enjoying the game and want to have a go at building a community.

If you’re interested, have a question, or have a suggestion leave a post below. I’m interested in seeing what will happen.

I’m interested in this.