OCE servers down - but just us?

Can’t log into Khaz Modan either, i am Aus based.

I was porting out of the maw, wonder where my mage gonna end up! lol

Happy Australia Day, they already on the cans!


I had a friend comment that AussieBB has been reporting upstream issues in Sydney the last few days, so might be related.

Just when i get a day off, the servers are down :frowning:


I was playing Season of Mastercard and went to change toons and got stuck on realm retrieval and I don’t even play on an OCE server (BECAUSE THEY’RE DEAD BLIZZARD) I do live in Australia though. Guessing it’s the link to the blizzard master servers?

Only Oceanic servers down, which apprentice pulled out the wrong cable?


Why does it have to happen on a public holiday. Geez…

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Yeah its down it would seem. Tried pinging the IP address for Oceania and it times out. Tried pinging US West and its fine at about 170 ms.

Yes, Same here. Went down for me at about 9.30am AEST as I transitioned from ‘Path of Ascension’ to Bastion. Transfer screen stalled & eventually crashed. On attempting to log back in, it stalls looking for realms until it defaults to “Unable to Reconnect” (WOW 51900324)

Oce is down for myself as well nice public holiday…

From experience Activizzard doesn’t care about OCE let’s see how quickly they fix it.

Nagrand here
same thing

Blizzard: Oceanic servers are working as intended in Straya.

Square Enix: rubs hands gleefully

I’ll direct people following this thread to the post in tech support as there’s actually a blue on the case: OCE Servers just die? - #87 by Annieokley-azuresong

And were back kids!

stuck in dungeon cant load in :frowning:

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Same here. mercy…

all realms everywhere are showing incompatible

this game seems to be always off line? wtf… all day also, almost 2 here and the game is off line… do we get like a day credit on our monthly payments?