Oce seeding not existing in classic?

Just a legit question here on the whole oce fiasco. The blue post says oceanic instance seeding does not exist in classic… Haven’t we had oce/US seeded bgs in classic for multiple years?!

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It does exist it is exactly how bg’s work now cross region play is implemented in the SOD client you can test for yourself by going into a BG and seeing all other players from NA realm.

To say this isn’t possible is not truthful and to say that a billion dollar company can’t provide a solution that is suitable for oceanic to play on lower ping while on NA is silly.

When all of oceanic refuse to accept this rubbish offer and demand as paying customers blizzard make a plan for our region to fix this and not let it ever happen again especially for a 3rd time then we will get somewhere and closer to what we both want.

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I am just curious why they said it doesn’t exist when it very clearly does exist and has for years in classic in BG’s.

It is a good solution that would make everyone happy, not sure why they just said technology wise it wasn’t possible for them in the blue post.

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They word things in a way to avoid providing clear communication that is how blizzard operates.

The wording here is sneaky it says we do not have any other technical solutions in classic to “ALLOW MORE” dynamic cross region play so they can word it like that to say yes we know bg’s exist yes oce and na can play together but that’s the best your going to get as far as us providing you with any technical solutions around this area.

SOD does not use the classic vanilla client it uses a modern client there is already the possibility of playing oce with na they’ve had years and known about these issues for a very long time.

They’ve never addressed them because everytime oceanic has a problem there solution is to shut up shop in oce and tell everyone to go NA most of the oceanic playerbase think they have no other option and so they accept it.

I am here telling you that we are paying a monthly subscription fee to a billion dollar company on a game we’ve played for 20 years and they are telling us we can’t or WONT figure out a way to make oceanic work or provide any tailored solutions for you under any circumstance.

This is not an acceptable stance and there suggested solution is not acceptable to us and we are no longer going to tolerate being torn apart shut down and having our communities destroyed and being at the mercy of people who don’t care about the players or the region/community.

Time for change so either they work on a solution now or have a damn good plan for next season / classic + and i’ve made suggestions which would help oceanic now and in the future.

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I think this is a good discussion to continue and hopefully get a response from someone who works with servers at blizzard.

Can also use this thread to try to theory craft some alternatives that would be suitable as well.

Blue post mentioned sharding isn’t possible because of coding etc and that bg’s were built around it.

What this tells me is they aren’t willing to invest time and money for our region not that its impossible.

If you can’t do this then provide a workaround that achieves something similar in a different way.

The fact is sod was always an experiment to be abandoned. It’s why there wasnt a dedicated dev team with free reign to make simple elegant classic+ changes and instead had to maintain parity with era servers, resulting in runes - a very square peg solution to a round hole problem. They had their hands so full of problems they created, they couldnt properly address things like pvp balance or fix events like ashenvale and just gave up. Phase 3 they just gave up on the whole thing. There’s no world where blizz turns around now and actually adds devs to this project to fix things like sharding if they werent willing to do anything like that before now.
They presented classic+ at blizzcon and pulled the rug out. What happened to the SM and Karazhan raids?

I hear FFXIV exists… Go give your money to them

I’m on a wow forum.

But should you be?