OCE realms Frozen

hello blizzard, i’d like to play some warcraft this week…

9 hours in queue, 45 minutes playtime, server crashes. Uh-mazing.

Me too. It worked last time so fingers crossed.

My bf stayed on black screen and it sat there for 10mins + then he got a server disconnection, relogged straight back to black screen.

I relogged and got booted to a 4k que :frowning:

Lmao to all the “black character” posts :rofl:

Actually that keen on some chinese any1 down to go to all you can eat


30mins i think

Well that’s just as bad as cancer now, isn’t it

Help. I only get to play while my kid naps and you’re killing me here, Blizz.


This truely is the Vanilla experience I remember.

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4k queue now

Trying to put useful symptom info on my post here, let me know if it needs updating


Blizzard announced earlier it was taking realms down and increasing their capacities so more people could play at once. Hopefully that is all this is.


I suggest we all use this time to begin drinking heavily.


Blizzard arent talking to the Blizzard home servers.

The good old days of 500ms lol

I knew what that was going to be before it even loaded lol.

sames lololol

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Sounds like a plan, got any good dwarven ale?

This is as good as, AWWW DUDE, 4stam 4strg leather belt troll vid.