OCE Frostmourne Lag / Long loading screens

Unable to get everyone online to raid because of server issues. If your going to start charging us an extra $6 a month maybe you could keep the servers playable for a few days in a row


Can confirm, same thing happening

Same issue here. Getting stuck at the end of flight paths and having to quit the game… then can’t log in.

Same. Frostmourne here. Major Ardenweald lag then DC and now can’t get back on.

On Frostmourne (OCE):

Took 5 minutes to load into Oribos. I tried leaving Oribos and it disconnected me. Character selection screen was black for 5 minutes (but eventually loaded). I then got stuck on a 100% loading screen trying to get back into the game, which eventually disconnected me. Now I am stuck in “Logging in to game server”.

Same here, currently running WinMTR - For pathing seems there is an issue between OCE server and the two nodes prior in Sydney.

Character stuck in the waiting in the MAW. Finally the jailor was right. I can’t use the exit or hearthstone to get out.

Tried logging in my other account, character in Ardenweald, won’t log in after extremely long load screen.

Same thing happening, any chance Blizzard could use some of the extra money they’re charging OCE players to maybe invest in our customer experience?
I noticed your customer support made a new years resolution to “play more games” but maybe add a resolution to improve your service too.


same here. feelsbadman

Repeated error wow51900319, frostmourne oceanic when I try to login on my mage.

Funnily enough I was able to log in on my druid ok after a slight pause.

edit: just hearthed to oribos on my druid and then loading screen is stuck. Bad decision.

Further edit: everyone on trade is complaining about lag. I couldn’t turn in the quest at oribos that I had, tried for 10mins and then gave up and logged out. Hopefully some more people from frostmourne will come on to update on situation instead of shouting in chat about server lag and zingers.

Same, causes major havoc during raid nights

This is still an issue. I am unable to load into a cross-Oceanic raid. Stuck on loading screen. Going from Frostmourne -> Khaz’goroth

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same here. I lagged out in Bastion, then i cant re-login. I cant get into character screen on Frostmorne

Trying to raid. Bunch of us cannot get past the load screen. Prior to this there were delays in the game including looting.

Same problem here, stuck on loading screen and getting the error “World server is down”.

I am also having trouble trying to inspect, trade or even queue for dungeons. I am now also stuck on the server loading screen.

I’ve just been able to load in.

Never mind, can’t get into Oribos now.

This lag ruined our raid night. People couldn’t stay logged in due to the technical issues. This is not the first time the lag has been really really bad on Frostmourne since Shadowlands came out.

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Couldn’t log in for 5-6 mins.
Once logged in, extreme lag, latency was apparently between 18-60.
Couldn’t loot, send mail or weirdly talk in G chat.
Now I am having issues simply getting to the character selection screen.

Also happening to me, cant even get in, just getting World Server is Down error

Yeah I was trying to log in to do some levelling, can’t even get to the character selection screen. Just stuck on logging into game server. Guess that’s me for the night…