Occurrence is looking for Officers and Leaders!

Greetings and Salutations!

Occurrence is a successful guild on the US Illidan server with more than 180+ members.

Our goal is to make running dungeons and raiding and PVP events and social events easier and more accessible and more rewarding, as well as to form a social atmosphere in which to enjoy the game, and to grow in power as individuals, and to grow in power as a guild.

Our mission is to build friendships, to create a positive culture, to build a good reputation of success and fun, and to grow in power and stature.

We are looking for Officers and Leaders!

  • We need Officers to maintain the integrity of the guild and gaming environment we cherish.
  • We need a World PVP events Leader on Sundays from 6 - 8 PM.
  • We need an Arenas Leader to delegate Arena's on Monday's and Wednesday's from 6 - 8 PM.
  • We need a Mythic+ Leader to organize runs on Thursday 6 - 9 PM - though personal runs continue throughout the week.
  • And we need Class Leaders!
  • And we need Raid Leaders!

Please contact Ahnra if you are interested!
