Hi All!
I just did some searching around the internet and I could not find a decisive answer.
For some of the hidden artifact appearances such as the Frost Mage Ebonchill (Frostfire Remembrance) and Discipline Priest Light’s Wrath (Tomekeeper’s Spire), most guides say that you require Artifact Knowledge level 4 before being able to obtain them.
It was my understanding that Artifact Knowledge was now a defunct system. So is it still possible to trigger the associated quests / events for these hidden appearances? If so, how do you know if you are able?
I would like to know this as well.
Unless I’m mistaken, artifact knowledge was changed in the last half of legion to be the same as it was in bfa. It’s automatic. So they should trigger if you complete the other prerequisites.
This should be automatic and you no longer need a knowledge level. As long as it isn’t a mage tower apperance you should be able to unlock them.
Understood. It makes me wonder what the other prerequisites are?
Complete the class order hall campaign?
Have three relics in the artifact?
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I’ve personally had appearances that needed artifact knowledge drop since artifact knowledge was abolished.
They’re still obtainable.
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You no longer need the knowledge level. Generally though, you need to be lvl 45+
You’ll have to look them up. They are different for each one. For instance holy pallies got theirs from killing demons. Mine got it in surumar I think, from a random demon. Prot pallies came from the withered training i believe, and ret pallies came from a lengthy sequence of stuff, starting with fishing up an item i think. Havoc dh had to loot a certain neck item which would unlock a dialogue box on an obscure npc on a hillside in surumar that would kick you into the air to a flying demon that you had to kill before you hit the ground, and that demon would drop the hidden appearance. There were some pretty strange ones.
No, no I already did that!
I know what you have to do to unlock the hidden appearance for Light’s Wrath and Ebonchill, I mean what are the requirements to trigger those events being available.
Now that artifact knowledge is gone, I have several characters level 45+ and have yet to be able to trigger getting the first Tome for the Tomekeeper’s Spire for example.
So I’m wondering if there are other requirements, like completing order hall campaigns or having 3 relics placed in the artifact.
You shouldn’t need to do anything special as long as you have completed everything up to that point in the guide you’re using.
Just did the guardian druid one and it’s a drop, so just had to get it. (Took 2 weeks and 3 different raid difficulties)
The feral one just has a random event trigger. Sadly I ignored it at least twice now I haven’t seen it in a few days.
Everybody has max artifact knowledge now.
Has anyone else randomly gotten hidden artifact skins/tints added to their mog collection? It’s happened to me 3 times now.
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If you unlock a tint in a artifact the other specs will unlock too, even if you don’t have the first one.
My newest priest was just able to get the first tome. So it seems like the only requirement is level 45.
Thanks all!
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I believe in one of the last Legion Patches you were given an automatic level 35 Artifact Knowledge as a catch up mechanic.
You have max artifact knowledge as soon as you get the weapon. They patched it mid Legion so we didn’t have to actively do that research anymore. You can talk to the NPC and they will tell you why you can’t do any research. It’s becase all the orders are helping each other aka blizzard turned that off because it was a
hassle. So just find the books for your discpline staff and you’re good.
I recently finished Balance of Power on my DK and that required a pretty high level of artifact research back in the day. It wasn’t even an issue this time around.
Oh, do you mean the lights charge quest? That should be available at least at max level. Khadgar should have the start of it in the violet citadel.
If you check on Wowhead, some of the comments on the hidden appearances have useful little macros you can run and it’ll check if you’re getting the event needed for certain artifacts on that day. Like I know I used one to track the roars for getting the Feral appearance.