Obsidian/Violet (Fated DF S4) Gladiator's Greatsword

Blizzard hates *melee. If this was a thread about some warlock staff or a sub rogue dagger, they’d have hotfixed it in a second.

*Rogues are not melee.

I feel like while the MMR issues hurt participation this season, a lack of interesting rewards has been the main issue. If Blizzard were to add in some more cosmetic rewards (like a cool sword transmog), I’m sure we’d see an uptick in PvP participation.

It would be pretty cool if they commented on this thread and actually took the 10 minutes to add the sword and do right by their loyal subscribers. Not optimistic. Just looked at the arena map pool rotation thread and everyone was talking about how much they hated it and to please get rid of it.

Blue post: We saw your feedback and are switching two maps in pool C!

A bunch of responses were “who said that?? Get rid of this!” and were upvoted. They are so disconnected with the PvP community it’s not even funny.

Who would have thought that churning out the ugliest elite weapons I’ve ever seen and making them way harder to get would tank participation? The 1hand mace looks like a plastic toy dragon and the shield has as many pixels as the high warlord gear made 15 years ago.

I’m doing my part o7

Hello 10.1.7 still no sword.

The absolute state of the armory.


That’s an elite xmog?



Fridge in all his untextured glory.


Unironically better than a lot of elite sets nowadays


What’s that tabard?

Relentless Gladiator’s which is s7 from Wrath of the Lich King during the Trial of the Crusader Patch.:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Reluctantly posting this since I don’t want to hurt our chances at those lovely Ashkandur recolors, but at least I found Inevitable Claymore to tide me over with the elite set:

Disgust, too small and no glow.

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How dare you


has glow just above crossguard (slightly bluer than elite set, but blends well), and use with crusader enchant appearance

1/2 the size :face_vomiting:

oh ew, did it scale up the hilt for your size? agreed it’s too smol, but it looks better on NE and Human model at least

it looks better on humans tbh
on larger races like worgen, tauren, and fridge, it almost looks like a 1h

1 hour bump

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