Obsidian/Violet (Fated DF S4) Gladiator's Greatsword

2 hours 2 long

After a long 24 hours of being awake because of reasons, I must lay down my vigil.

One last bump before nap.

Sleep tight, pando. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Sword has increased drop rate for KulTirans, I heard.

Yeah, except it’s a PvP sword Pecklez.

Just make the sword a reward for winning 500 Ashrans. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

2 hour bump

1 hour bump

19 minute 52 second bump

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How bout another hour?

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Lost roll on LFR ashkandur again, got 1 more chance at it on my ret.

Can’t wait to do it again next week :face_vomiting:

Want me to do it with you later and trade it if I win roll?

Idk if it allows you to if it’s an upgrade or if you already have it.

Games making me sad man.

Six hours with no bump?


ive got some undergeared warriors i can run it with you next week

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I’m very hopeful that the reason there is no dev response is because they are working on something super cool for this sword model. If would be nice if they would honor us with a reply informing us to stay tuned in for whatever super cool plan they have for it.

Great game

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Six hours. No bump. Again.